Nano-CT & In-situ micro-CT


A novel micro/nano-CT system, RX Solutions Easy Tom XL, is available at the Empa Center for X-ray Analytics. It offers spatial resolutions down to about 500 nm, depending on the sample material, but also flexible imaging geometries and magnifications.

  • 2 Sources: a nano- (160 kV) and a micro-focus (230 kV) tube
  • 2 Detectors (Varian flat panel and high-resolution CCD)
  • Temperature controlled instrument cabinet
  • Rotation table ready to mount in-situ measurement chambers (e.g. Deben load stage)
  • Cone-beam CT, helix-CT, horizontal and vertical stitching, local tomography, laminography, …
In-situ micro-CT

In-situ  micro-CT can be performed using a Deben CT5000-RT in-situ, load stage, optimized to be used on the RX Solutions Easy Tom XL. The stage has following functionalities and features:

  • tensile and compression testing
  • operating at room temperature
  • loads up to 5kN
  • 2 exchangeable heads for different sample heights (15mm, 60mm)