Use cases of micro/nano-CT


A suite of selected uses cases of high-resolution micro- and nano-CTs obtained by our Easytom XL scanner are depicted below .

Micro-CT investigation of wild bees in cocoons, in cooperation with Vetsuisse (Dr. H. Richter), Agroscope and Wildbiene+Partner AG.
Propagation-based phase-contrast micro-CT of the claw of a beetle's leg at 1.5 um voxel size.
A dive into the micro structure of spruce wood (voxel size 1.5 um) in cooperation with ETH Zürich. The color scale show the local wall thickness of the micro structure.
3D rendering and volumetric histopathology of human blood clots from acute stroke patient. In collaboration with the University Hospital of Geneva (Prof. K.-O. Lövblad). Color code: light blue – fibrin & platelets, magenta –endogenous calcifications, red – red blood cells.
Structure of a human cortical bone biopsy by propagation-based micro-CT. The red structures are the Haversian canals, in green a single osteon is highlighted with its osteocyte lacunae in blue. In cooperation with University of Bern (Prof. Ph. Zysset).
This video shows the spatial and size distribution of the osteocyte lacunae color-coded by their equivalent diameter. The cortical bone is shown semi-transparent.
3D rendering and virtual sectioning of a part of a human follicular thyroid carcinoma based on phase-contrast micro-CT of a whole biopsy block. The left side shows the abnormal tissue growth with some unhealthy, compressed follicles highlighted in red. The right side show healthy thyroid tissue with large healthy follicles, a few of them highlighted in green. In between the tumor capsule is visible. In collaboration with the University Hospital Bern (Prof. A. Perren).