Vincent Hickl, PhD

I am a biophysicist fascinated by collective behaviors and emergent phenomena in living systems. The goal of my research is to describe fundamental physical interactions in living active matter to inspire bio-medical advances and solve important interdisciplinary problems. I am affiliated with the Biointerfaces Laboratory, the Center for X-ray Analytics, and the Laboratory for Biomimetic Textiles and Membranes.
Self-organization of bacteria at curved surfaces

Bacterial colonies and biofilms are ubiquitous in nature, posing a significant threat to human health and industrial processes. Recent work has focused on developing new treatments to fight biofilms, but open questions remain regarding the mechanics of bacterial colony development and biofilm formation. In particular, novel approaches are needed to resolve the development of bacterial colonies in realistic, 3D environments. I am using microfluidics and a combination of advanced microscopy techniques to quantify the self-organization of bacteria at 3D surfaces with high spatial and temporal resolution. This works aims to determine the effects of surface geometry and multi-species interactions on biofilm formation, and inspire novel antimicrobial treatments.

Background and interests

I’m a biophysicist working as a post-doc at Empa St. Gallen studying bacterial self-organization at complex surfaces. My passion for active matter began at the University of Illinois where I did my PhD in physics in the Juarez Group. There, I investigated how bacterial colonization changes the shape of oil droplets in marine environments. These phenomena have profound implications for the cleanup of oil spills.

Now, I am studying the 3D development of bacterial colonies, and how the orientational order of the bacteria influences the formation of dangerous biofilms. In the long-term, my goal is to inform the development of new antimicrobial strategies, and to better understand how fundamental interactions between living particles underlie their macroscopic organization.

My expertise lies in experimental design for direct and quantitative imaging of life at the microscale. I use microfluidics, state-of-the-art microscopy techniques, and a data-science approach to better understand the physics of life.