Completed PhD Theses


  • Drdova Sarka - PhD
    Jing Wang - Supervisor and Mentor
    ETH Zurich
    Title of thesis: Integrated photocatalytics systems for VOCs control: Innovative light-driven catalyst-embedded membrane pump, enhanced activity of spark-ablated nanoparticles, and insight into catalyst immobilization
  • Qu Di - PhD
    Davide Bleiner - Supervisor and Mentor
    University of Zurich
    Title of thesis: Enabling the Extreme Ultraviolet Advantages For Chemical Microanalysis



  • Knobloch Marco - PhD
    Davide Bleiner and Norbert Heeb - Supervisor and Mentor
    University of Zurich
    Title of thesis: New Tools and Reference Materials for the Analysis fo Chlorinated Paraffins and Transformation Products
  • Billeter Emanuel - PhD
    Andreas Borgschulte - Supervisor and Mentor
    University of Zurich
    Title of thesis: Probing Catalytic Metal Hydride Surfaces
  • Driesen Charlotte - PhD
    Bernd Nowak and Markus Zennegg - Supervisor and Mentor
    University of Zurich
    Title of thesis: Fate of PCB's and PCDD/Fs in Beef-Producing Husbandaries and the Impact of Animal Physiology



  • Hammer Tobias - PhD
    Jing Wang - Supervisor and Mentor
    ETH Zurich
    Title of thesis: Experimental release and exposure studies for quantitative risk assessment of nanoforms
  • Netkueakul Woranan - PhD
    Jing Wang - Supervisor and Mentor
    ETH Zurich
    Title of thesis: Epoxy Composites Enabled by Graphene-Related Materials: Properties and Hazard Assessment of the Aerosols Released by Abrasion and Combustion
  • Sambalova Olga - PhD
    Andreas Borgschulte - Supervisor and Mentor
    University of Zurich
    Title of thesis: Probing the Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Interfaces under Reaction-relevant Conditions



  • Terreni Jasmine - PhD
    Andreas Borgschulte -  Supervisor and Mentor
    University of Zurich
    Title of thesis: Production of Carbon-Neutral Fuels –Fundamental Investigations into the Heterogeneous Catalysis of CO2 Reduction to CH4 and CH3OH by Spectroscopic and Imaging Methods



  • Barbato Francesco - PhD
    Bleiner Davide - Supervisor and Mentor
    University of Zurich
    Title of thesis: In-Line Phase-Contrast Imaging of Laser-Driven Shock-Waves in POlystyrene using a Laser-PLasma Source
  • Kammermann Thomas - PhD
    Boulouchos Kostas - Supervisor
    Bleiner Davide - University Mentor
    ETH Zurich
    Title of thesis: Optical Diagnostics of Ignition and early flame kernel formation in pre-mixed hydrogen-enriched methane-air flames
  • Schinkel Lena - PhD
    McNeill Christopher - Supervisor
    Heeb Norbert - Mentor
    University of Zurich
    Title of thesis: New Analytical Methods for Investigating the Fate of Chlorinated Paraffins and Their Transformation Products


  • Arbelo Peña Yunieski - PhD
    Bleiner Davide - Supervisor and Mentor
    University of Zurich
    Title of thesis: XUV-Photoionization Mass Spectrometry (PIMS) for Microanalysis of Water-Oxidation Catalysts
  • He Yu - PhD
    Wang Jing - Supervisor and Mentor
    ETH Zurich
    Title of thesis: Investigation of Various Engineered Nanoparticles: Environmental Remediation Applications and Transportation in the Environment after Disposal
  • Sachinidou Panagiota - PhD
    Wang Jing - Supervisor and Mentor
    ETH Zurich
    Title of thesis: Methodology for filtration of airborne particles down to single digit nanometer and polymer filter charge retention



  • Durdina Lukuas - PhD
    Wang Jing - Supervisor and Mentor
    ETH Zurich
    Title of thesis: Particulate Matter and Gas Phase Emission Measurement of Aircraft Engine Exhaust
  • Kuo Yu-Ying - PhD
    Wang Jing - Supervisor and Mentor
    ETH Zurich
    Title of thesis: Analysis and control of co-emitted organic pollutants and nanoparticles


  • Bahk Yeon Kyoung - PhD
    Wang Jing -Supervisor and Mentor
    ETH Zurich
    Title of thesis: Physical characterizations of carbon nanotubes for the Emission control and exposure modeling
  • Diefenbacher Pascal - PhD
    Hungerbühler Konrad - Supervisor
    Gerecke Andreas - Mentor
    ETH Zurich
    Title of thesis: Atmospheric emission of organic pollutants from modern cities (CityPOP)
  • Losert Sabrina - PhD
    Hungerbühler Konrad - Supervisor
    Ulrich Andrea, Vonmont Heinz und Wichser Adrian - Mentors
    ETH Zurich
    Title of thesis: Analytical strategies for a systematic characterization of nano-particle release from commercial spray products
  • Masoudnia Leili - PhD
    Bleiner Davide - Supervisor and Mentor
    University of Bern
    Title of thesis: Optimization of the plasma active-medium for short-wavelength laser-probes
  • Ruiz Lopez Maria Isabel - PhD
    Beiner Davide - Supervisor and Mentor
    University of Bern
    Title of thesis: Table-top nano-imaging using plasma-photon source


  • Ott Noémie - PhD
    Ludwig Christian - Supervisor
    Ulrich Andrea und Schmutz Patrik - Mentors
    Title of thesis: From Biodegradable Mg to Passive Al-Cr-Fe Alloys - Element Specific Investigations of Corrosion Processes Using Flow Microcapillary Plama Mass Spektrometry


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