Presentations - Invited Lectures


Bleiner Davide

  • Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, Spain, 30.5. - 3.6.2022
    The X-Factor in Laser-Assisted Solid Microanalysis
  • European Workshop on Laser Ablation, Switzerland, 12.7. - 15.7.2022
    The X-Factor in Laser-Assisted Solid Microanalysis
  • LIBS2022, Italy, 18.8.2022
    Laser Induced XUV Spectroscopy (LIXS): Gimmick or X-Factor?
  • RPI, United States, 23.10. - 26.10.2022
    The X-Factor in Laser-Assisted Solid Microanalysis
  • SAS SUNY, United States, 26.10. - 27.10.2022
    X-ray Plasma Spectrometry:  The Probe and The Herald Modes.
  • RU, United States, 26.10.2022
    Plasma X-ray Lasers: Scaling Laws and Optimal Parameters


Borgschulte Andreas

  • Intsitutsseminar "Focus Materialchemie" des Instituts für Materialchemie, TU Wien, Online, 23.3.2022
    Cataluminescence in perovskites: a novel energy conversion


Driesen Charlotte

  • Ruminant Group Meeting Agroscope, Switzerland, Online, 23.5.2022
    Fate of PCBs and PCDD/Fs in Beef-Producing Husbandries and the Impact of Animal Physiology
  • Knowledge Transfer by FSVO, Switzerland, 24.11.2022
    Project AgroPOP: Fate of PCBs and PCDD/Fs in Beef-Producing Husbandries and the Impact of Animal Physiology

Heeb Norbert

  • 12th VERT Forum, Germany, Online, 24.3.2022
    Secondary emissions from emission control devices and their impact on occupational health and safety
  • 25th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, Switzerland, Online, 21.6. - 23.6.2022
    New legislation to guide the world

Knobloch Marco

  • Internal group meeting (AIM), Switzerland, 10.3.2022
    R-based Automatic (mass) Spectra Evaluation Routine (RASER) to analyze Chlorinated Paraffins and Olefins
  • Internal group meeting (AIM), Switzerland, 17.3.2022
    Chlorinated Paraffin and Olefin distribution in Sewage Sludge change during 1993-2020


Zennegg Markus

  • PolluConf 2022, Switzerland, 16.9.2022
    Project AgroPOP: Fate of PCBs and PCDD/Fs in Beef-Producing Husbandries and the Impact of Animal Physiology



Bleiner Davide

  • Solid-State Science & Research SCIRES 2021, Online, 10. - 11.6.2021
    Living at the edge: Renewable energy relies on meta-stable materials
  • ESUW21 - Eupraxia Sparclab User Workshop, Italy, 14. - 15.10.2021
    Tabletop and High-End Beamlines: Friends or Foes?

Borgschulte Andreas

  • KAUST ChemS Graduate Seminar, Online, 2.7.2021
    Hydrogen in matter from superconductivity to catalysis
  • EPFL Valais/Wallis SEMINAR 20.7.2021
    Hydride Surfaces for Catalysis
  • LPHYS21: Laser Physics, Online, 19. - 23.7.2021
    Plasma X-ray Lasers: Scaling Laws and Optimal Parameters
  • From Smart Methods to SmartPhones: The Dunning-Kruger Effect hits Analytical Science, Online, 10.9.2021
    From Smart Methods to Smartphones
  • Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Symposium, ETH Zurich, 18.9.2021
    Progress in Small Scale X-ray Lasers - Beyond Proof-of-Principle Science
  • Deutsch Schweizer H2 Forum 2021, Germany, 28.9.2021
    Erneuerbarer Wasserstoff – hier trifft sich die Welt! – Von der Energieforschung bis zum Konsumenten

Driesen Charlotte

  • Group seminar environmental risk assessment and management, Switzerland, Online, 28.1.2021
    AgroPOP - The transgenerational transfer of PCBs from a diffusive source to cow and calf
  • Agridea Fortbildung, Switzerland, Online, 21.4.2021
    AgroPOP - Erkenntnisgewinnung zum generationsübergreifenden Transfer von Schadstoffen aus diffusen Quellen in Rindern
  • Group seminar animal physiology, Switzerland, Online, 5.7.2021
    AgroPOP - The transgenerational transfer of POPs from a diffusive source to cow and calf
  • RFA ReP Energy Colloquium, Switzerland, 6.9.2021
    Polychlorinated biphenyls - once a high production volume chemical, now an omnipresent residue in our dairy and meat products
  • Agridea Fortbildungskurs: Schadstoffe in der Tierhaltung, Switzerland, Online, 5.10.2021
    AgroPOP - Erkenntnisgewinnung zum generationsübergreifenden Transfer von Schadstoffen aus diffusen Quellen in Rindern

Heeb Norbert

  • 11th VERT Forum, Online, 25.3.2021
    - Technologies and policies towards zero impact combustion engines -a n introduction to the conference
    - New fuels, new risks, new opportunities: The chemistry and toxicity of synthetic fuels
  • Mining Diesel Emission Council (MDEC) Conference, Canada, Online, 30.11. - 1.12.2021
    Secondary emissions from emissions control devices and their impact on occupational health and safety plans

Knobloch Marco

  • HAPO at Empa, Online, 1.4.2021
    Synthesis and characterization of single-chain C18-CP standard materials with variable degrees of chlorination
  • Meeting on CPs with University of Clemson, Online, 15.4.2021
    Analysis of chlorinated paraffins - Examples on mass spectrometric challenges
  • IfC B Seminar at University of Zürich, Switzerland, 27.9.2021
    First synthesized long-chain chlorinated paraffins with defined chain-length
  • Uchem-Eawag Seminar, Switzerland, 5.11.2021
    Analytical challenges and bio-transformation of chlorinated paraffins

Zennegg Markus

  • Agridea Fortbildungskurs: Schadstoffe in der Tierhaltung, Online, 21.4.2021
    Gründe für Schadstoffe in der Tierhaltung
  • Stillkongress 2021, Switzerland, 10.9.2021
    Persistente organische Schadstoffe in Muttermilch - ein Risiko für den Säugling?
  • Agridea Fortbildungskurs: Schadstoffe in der Tierhaltung, Online, 5.10.2021
    Gründe für Schadstoffe in der Tierhaltung
  • Schadstoffe und Streuströme in der Rinderhaltung, Online, 19.10.2021
    Persistente organische Schadstoffe in der Rinderhaltung - Erkenntnisse aus der Schweiz



Bleiner Davide

  • International Conference on X-ray Lasers, Online, 08.12.2020 -10.12.2020
    X-ray Lasers on a Tabletop –Things to Know before You Crave for a FEL
  • Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE), Snowbird, 05.01.2020 -10.01.2020
    Table-top Two-Color Soft X-ray Laser by Means of Ni-like Plasmas
  • Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Tucson, 10.01.2020 - 17.01.2020
    Single-photon ablation with soft X-ray Lasers for nano-sensitive microanalysis

Driesen Charlotte

  • Arbeitsgruppe zur Umsetzung von Massnahmen zur Reduktion von PCBs in Lebensmitteln von Nutztieren, Online, 19.06.2020
    AgroPOP - Transgenerationalen Transfer von PCBs bei Rindern aus Mutterkuhhaltung besser verstehen und eindämmen

Heeb Norbert

  • Annual BAFU Meeting: CP18-Plus and CP-MAT Projects, online, 21.10.2020
    CP activities at Advanced Anayltical Technologies Lab
  • BAFU Meeting CP18Plus, online, 18.05.2020£
    CPs in plastic consumer products - Results from the 2019 campaign
  • Tagung Koordinationsplattform Vollzug Chemikalienrecht, Bern, 05.03.2020
    Vorkampagne zur massenspektrometrischen Analyse von SCCPs in Gegenständen

Knobloch Marco

  • Meeting on Hazardous pollutants Empa , online, 05.11.2020
    Hazardous pollutants in Swiss sewage sludge - Sampling of waste water treatment plants and first results on CPs and their transformation products
  • Reporting to Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU) about chlorinated paraffin burdens in Switzerland , University of Zürich, 18.05.2020
    Long chain chlorinated paraffins in theSwiss environment (CP18-Plus) - CPs in Swiss sewage sludge (BAFU report)



Bleiner Davide

  • Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA), Maui, HI, 08.09.2019 -13.09.2019
    Nano-Ablation Chemical Analysis using a Tabletop Extreme Ultraviolet Plasma-Laser
  • EuPRAXIA Consortium Meeting, Rome, 17.06.2019 - 18.06.2019
    Will Cars Ever Endanger Airplanes? Tabletop X–ray Lasers in a Nutshell
  • Institute Seminar at the Plasma Physics Institute of the University of York, UK, York, 23.01.2019 -24.01.2019
    Advanced Analytical Technologies Enabled by Soft X-ray Plasma-Lasing
  • MNF Assembly, Zurich, 04.03.2019
    Instrumental Chemical Analysis at the Empa
  • SAOG Tagung, Fribourg, 31.01.2019
    Depth Profiling Analysis at Nano-Scale using a Tabletop X-ray-Laser
  • Seminar at Paul Scherrer Institut, PSI, Villingen, 21.10.2019
    Advanced Analytical Technologies Boosted by Soft X-ray Plasma-Lasing
  • SPIE Conference, S. Diego, CA, 11.08.2019 - 16.08.2019
    Actinic damage of Y/Mo multilayer Bragg optics in a table-top plasma-driven x-ray laser
  • Swiss Group Mass Spectrometry (Annual Meeting), Beatenberg, BE, 24.10.2019
    Quasi Non-Destructive 3D Chemical Visualization with X-ray Laser Mass Spectrometry
  • Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Vienna, 01.07.2019 - 03.07.2019
    Microanalysis with Tabletop Soft X-ray Lasers
  • Winter Conference Plasma Spectrochemistry, Pau, 05.02.2019 -08.02.2019
    Laser Ablation 3D Chemical Mapping with X-ray Lasers

Borgschulte Andreas

  • Komatsu Technology IAB 2019, Amsterdam, 30.09.2019 -01.10.2019
    What is the fuel of tomorrow?

Driesen Charlotte

  • Swissbeef Mittelland Visit, Agroscope Posieux, 14.06.2019
    AgroPOP – Den generationsübergreifenden Transfer von persistent organischen Schadstoffen in Rindern besser verstehen und mindern
  • Modelling of POPs, Agroscope Posieux, 10.04.2019
    AgroPOP – Toward a Better Understanding and Mitigation of Transgenerational Transfer of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Cattle
  • Mutterkuh Schweiz, Brugg, 11.12.2019
    AgroPOP - Transfer von persistent organischen Schadstoffen in Fleisch produzierenden Rindern verstehen und mindern

Figi Renato

  • Koordinationsplattformtagung (KPT), Bern, 05.09.2019
    RoHS-III Kampagne 2018  Neue Methode zur Untersuchung von Lotstellen in elektronischen Geräten
  • BAFU-ROHS-Commission-Meeting, Berne, 06.02.2019
    Neue Analysenmethoden zur Bestimmung von Zinn-Blei-Loten in Elektronikgeräten sowie Batterien

Heeb Norbert

  • 10th VERT Forum, Dübendorf, 14.03.2019
    The genotoxic potential of MPI engines in comparison to other combustion engines
  • 23rd ETH Conference on Combustion Genereated Nanoparticles, Zürich, 17.06.2019 -20.06.2019
    The chemisty of nanoparticle adsorbates from diesel and gasoline combustion engines
  • BD Forum 2019, St. Gallen, Hall of the cantonal council, 11.03.2019
    "Diesel gate" Wie weiter: Haben Verbrennungsmotoren eine Zukunft?
  • BFH Jubilee Workshop: Reduction of emissions and energy consumption of IC engines - actual challenges and developments, Biel, 13.06.2019
    20 years VERT filter tests - 20 years of excellent team work of BFH and Empa

Hubeli Jasmin

  • Koordinationsplattformtagung (KPT), Bern, 05.09.2019
    Development of a new method for the determination of Hg, Pb and Cd in different battery types

Schinkel Lena

  • RFA NAREP + Energy Colloquium, Dübendorf, 03.06.2019
    Chlorinated paraffins - from a high production volume chemical to an analytical nightmare
  • Cefic Euro Chlor - Chloro Alkane Analytics Workshop, Amsterdam, 26.02.2019
    Labeled CP congeners: The need for representative internal standards


Schreiner Claudia

  • Koordinationsplattformtagung (KPT) vom 05.09.2019 , Bern, 05.09.2019
    Novel Method for RoHS III Campaign 2018  Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) determination in small electronic devices
  • BAFU-ROHS-Commission-Meeting, Bern , 06.02.2019
    Neue Analysenmethoden zur Bestimmung von Zinn-Blei-Loten in Elektronikgeräten

Wang Jing

  • Annual congress of the Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology, Lugano, 05.09.2019 -06.09.2019
    Size-resolved endotoxin and oxidative potential of atmospheric particles



Bleiner Davide

  • Antrittsvorlesung PD, Universität Zürich, 02.06.2018
    Instrumental Chemical Analysis: Users or Developers?
  • International Conference on X-ray Lasers, Prague, 07.10.2018 -12.10.2018
    A new brilliant Tool in Materials Chemistry
  • SCIX Meeting of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Sciences, Atlanta, 21.10.2018 - 26.10.2018
    Extreme ultraviolet Mass Spectrometry to overcome the "LOD vs. Space Resolution" trade-off
  • Seminar at Masaryk University in Brno, CZ, Masaryk University in Brno, 17.05.2018
    XUV photo-ionization mass spectrometry to overcome the"LOD vs space resolution" trade-off
  • Seminar at SSEF, Scwh. Stift. für Edelstein Forschung, Basel, 02.05.2018
    Advanced Analytical Technolgies for Germstones
  • Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry , Amelia Island, 06.01.2018 - 12.01.2018
    Laser Ionization Mass Spectrometry (LIMS)  for High Space-Resolution Stoichiometric Microanalysis


Borgschulte Andreas

  • CMSZH Graduate School Retreat 2018, Evolene, 17.01.2018 - 21.01.2018
    Applied Spectroscopy: a balancing act over the abyss between physics and chemistry
  • LightCheC Symposium and SummerSchool 2018, Diableret, 19.08.2018 - 23.08.2018
    Poisonous water - engineering water coverage improves CO2 reduction catalysts
  • Seminar Series of the EPFL "Highlights in Energy Research", Sion, 01.03.2018
    Renewable synthetic fuels by electro- or thermo-catalysis?


Heeb Norbert

  • 2. Sonderkollogquium: Stickstoffdioxid: Ist der Diesel noch zu retten?, Frankfurt, 05.12.2017
    DeNox Technologien auf der Strasse: Ist “adblue” noch nicht grün genug?
  • 22th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, Zürich, 18.06.2018 -21.06.2018
    Nitration chemistry in non-catalyzed diesel particle filters
  • 9th VERT Forum: 20 years of VERT emission control certification, Dübendorf, 15.03.2018
    Secondary emissions – the need and the challenge to protect human health
  • Focus Event: Effect- and toxicity-based assessment of exhausts, Dübendorf, 16.03.2018
    Chemistry-based assessment of combustion exhausts


Muñoz Fernandez Maria

  • SAG Meeting at University Bern, Bern, 05.11.2018
    Are GDI exhaust more dangerous than current diesel exhaust?

Figi Renato

  • LECO Anwendertreffen Nichtmetall-Analytik, Berlin, 10.01.2018 -11.01.2018
    Nichtmetall-Analysen (C,O,N,H) als unverzichtbare Helfer in der Röntgenfluoreszenz-Analytik

Schinkel Lena

  • Environmental Chemistry Group Seminar, IBP, ETH Zürich, Zürich, 13.11.2018
    The CP/CO problem with GC-ECNI-MS & SCCPs in plastic
  • MTM Seminar, Örebro, 08.12.2017
    Analysis of chlorinated paraffins: The analytical nightmare
  • CWG “Chlorinated Paraffins” by EURL, Freiburg, 17.10.2018
    SCCPs in plastic: Pattern deconvolution with single-chain CP mixtures
  • ACES Seminar, Stockholm, 05.12.2017
    The Analytical Nightmare: Dealing with Strong Mass Interferences of Chlorinated Paraffins and Their Transformation Products, Chlorinated Olefins
  • Environmental Chemistry Group Seminar, IBP, ETH Zurich, Zürich, 30.01.2018
    The Analytical Nightmare: Dealing with Strong Mass Interferences of Chlorinated Paraffins and Their Transformation Products, Chlorinated Olefins

Setyan Ari

  • AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11.12.2017 - 15.12.2017
    The surface chemical reactivity of particles and its impact on human health

Wang Jing

  • AsianNano 2018, Qingdao, 18.10.2018 - 21.10.2018
    Health risks of nanocomposites based on carbon and metal oxide nanomaterials
  • Joint conference of American Geophysical Union - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 15.10.2018 - 18.10.2018
    Filtration as a method for emission control and personal protection

Zennegg Markus

  • Seminar am Institut für Chemie und Biologische Chemie (ICBT) , University of Applied Sciences Wädenswil, 07.11.2018
    Dioxins and PCBs in Meat - Still a Matter of Concern?



Arbelo Yunieski

  • EEAW Analytical Workshop, Zurich, 12.10.2017
    Table-top XUV mass spectrometry for chemical surface-characterization of water-oxidation catalysts

Bleiner Davide

  • LightChEC Research Seminar, Zurich, 15.03.2017
    Black Swans and Quantum Leaps on the road to Enabling-Spectroscopy
  • North Americal Worskshop on Laser Ablation, Austin, TX, 25.05.2017 -27.05.2017
    Extreme UV Laser Ablation for Enhanced Spatial Resolution and Stoichiometric Microanalysis
  • X-Ray Lasers and Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development and Applications, Prague, 24.04.2017 -26.04.2017
    Table-top two-color soft X-ray laser by means of Ni-like plasmas
  • XTRAM X-ray Time-Resolved Spectroscopy, Erice, 21.07.2017 -25.07.2017
    Advanced XUV Time-Resolved Spectroscopy with a “Home-Lab” Source

Borgschulte Andreas

  • EEAW Analytical Workshop, Dübendorf, 12.10.2017
    Applications of the Raman effect: from energy research to waste water analysis
  • 2nd Empa-AIST Joint Workshop on “Energy Materials”, Kansai, 10.10.2017 - 11.10.2017
    Neutrons Support Renewable Energy Technology

Borgschulte Andreas and Terreni Jasmin

  • 2nd Empa-AIST joint workshop on “Energy Materials” , Kansai , 10.10.2017 - 11.10.2017
    Neutrons Support Renewable Energy Technology


Brem Benjamin

  • NAREP Seminar, Empa Dübendorf, 06.11.2017
    The non-volatile particle emission standard for aero gas turbines
  • Die Schweizerische Vereinigung für Flugwissenschaften SVFW, ETH Zürich, 06.04.2017
    Von Russfahnen zu unsichtbaren Nanopartikeln: Feinstaubemmissionen von Flugzeuggasturbinen

Cirelli Claudio

  • LiXS 2017 Workshop - Liquid X-ray spectroscopy, Paris, 17.01.2017 -18.01.2017
    Soft X-ray spectroscopy on photoactive molecular systems in solution

Figi Renato

  • Anwendertreffen Leco Instruments, Berlin, 24.10.2017 - 25.10.2017
    Nichtmetall-Analysen (C,O,N,H) als unverzichtbare Helfer in der Röntgenfluoreszenz-Analytik
  • ROHS-Kampagne 2018, Zürich, 14.06.2017
    Nasschemische ROHS-Analytik


Heeb Norbert

  • 21th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, Zürich, 19.06.2017 -22.06.2017
    Blue Technology: Not green enough yet: Nitrogen chemistry of current on-road deNOx technologies
  • 8th VERT Forum: Particle Filter Technologies, EMPA Dübendorf, 17.03.2017
    Chemistry of the NOx trap technology
  • Final GASOMEP Meeting, EMPA Dübendorf, 16.03.2017
    Motivation, project design, fleet characteristics, experimental set-up of the GASOMEP project
  • GDCH-Kolloquium, Bergische Universität, Wuppertal, 17.05.2017
    Haben Verbrennungsmotoren eine Zukunft? Effiziente Abgaskatalyse für eine neue Generation von Diesel- und Benzinmotoren

Munoz Fernandez Maria

  • JAMA Meeting at Empa, Empa, Dübendorf, 11.10.2017
    Genotoxic potential of GDI exhausts

Schinkel Lena

  • CWG “Chlorinated Paraffins” by EURL, Freiburg, 14.11.2017
    - New internal standards for CP analysis
    - Transformation of CPs during metal work and thermal exposure

  • CWG “Chlorinated Paraffins” by EURL  , Maribor, 21.06.2017
    The CP/CO problem: Resolving mass interferences of chlorinated paraffins (CPs) and their thermal transformation products, chlorinated olefins (COs)
  • Environmental Chemistry Group Seminar, IBP, ETH Zurich, Zurich, 16.05.2017
    Introduction to Chlorinated Paraffins


Schreiner Claudia

  • Horizon ProSum Meeting, Hamburg, 13.02.2017 - 14.02.2017
    “Pitfalls in the analysis of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB)”
  • NAREP, Dübendorf, 02.10.2017
    “Pitfalls in the analysis of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB)”

Woerner Michael

  • Dynamical Properties of Solids 2017, Cracov, 27.08.2017 - 31.08.2017
    Applications of the Raman effect: From femtosecond spectroscopy to waste water analysis


Zennegg Markus

  • Fachtagung Herausforderung Brandschaden Fragestellungen und Lösungen aus der Praxis, Dübendorf, 30.11.2017
    Persistente organische Schadstoffe bei Brandereignissen
  • Swiss Food Science Meeting (SFSM) 2017, Neuchâtel, 17.08.2017 - 18.08.2017
    Plenary Lecture: Dioxins and PCBs in meat - still a matter of concern?
  • 2nd Eawag-Empa Analytical Workshop, Dübendorf, 12.10.2017
    Gas chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry for the analysis of Stockholm convention POPs



Bleiner Davide

  • CHanalysis 2016, Beatenberg, 18.11.2016 - 19.11.2016
    Table-top X-ray Laser Chemical Imaging
  • Internal Seminar Osaka University, Osaka , 31.05.2016
    Implementing Plasma-based Extreme UV radiation for table-top nano-analytics
  • Wavefront, Trieste, 30.11.2016 -01.12.2016
    Short-wavelength Photon-in/Photon-out with a “Home Lab” Source: Limits & Potentials


Borgschulte Andreas

  • Japan - Swiss Workshop on Energy, Tokio, 04.10.2016 - 06.10.2016
    Advanced Analytical Tools for Energy Storage

Czerwinski Jan

  • 20th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, ETH Zürich, 13.06.2016 - 16.06.2016
    - Experiences of Testing NO2 for Diesel and NH3 for Gasoline Cars
    - Particle number reduction of GDI cars with GPFs


Heeb Norbert

  • 20th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, ETH Zürich, 13.06.2016 - 16.06.2016
    The particle-NOx trade-off: Two decades of diesel converter technologies have not settled both issues
  • 2nd General GASOMEP Meeting , Empa Dübendorf, 17.03.2016
    GASOMEP: Current status and new concepts of gasoline vehicle emission control
  • 3id VDI/DECHEMA/GDCh Expert Forum on Atmospheric Chemistry, Frankfurt, 05.12.2016 - 06.12.2016
    Efficient filter and deNOx-technologies for both, diesel- and gasoline-direct injection vehicles
  • 6. Freiburger Workshop "Luftreinhaltung und Modelle" IVU Umwelt , Freiburg, 07.06.2016 -08.06.2016
    Europa's NOx Problem - Eine Folge ineffiziener deNOx-Katalysatoren und schlechter Abgasgesetzgebung
  • DECHEMA Kolloquium "Stickoxide: Ist der Diesel noch zu retten?" , Frankfurt, 14.01.2016
    Europa's NOx Problem - Eine Folge ineffiziener deNOx-Katalysatoren und schlechter Abgasgesetzgebung

Wang Jing

  • 6th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation , Budapest, 18.08.2016 - 19.08.2016
    Carbon nanotubes: release to the environment, toxicity and control technologies


Zennegg Markus
  • Swiss Society for Food Chemistry Seminar - Dioxins and PCBs in Food , Bern, 24.06.2016
    Dioxins and PCBs - Analytical Challenges and some Swiss Case Studies



Arbelo Yunieski

  • NAREP - From Synchrotron to table-top spectroscopies, Empa Dübendorf, 01.06.2015
    Concomitant surface microscopy and spectroscopy in the lab enabled by Plasma X-ray lasers
  • WG3&WG4&WG5 Meeting COST Action MP 1203, Madrid, 09.07.2015 - 10.07.2015
    Table-top XUV-source characteristics for nano-Imaging and spectroscopy

Barbato Francesco

  • WG3&WG4&WG5 Meeting COST Action MP 1203, Madrid, 09.07.2015 - 10.07.2015
    Spectral characteristic of a pseudo-spark Plasma source for phase contrast imaging

Bleiner Davide

  • Hydrodynamics and X-ray Modelling Workshop , Madrid, 09.07.2015 -10.07.2015
    Actinic damage of Y/Mo-multi-layer optics in a table-top plasma-driven X-ray laser
  • Imaging Day, Empa Akademie Dübendorf, 15.04.2015
    Implementing the plasma-lasing potential for table-top nano-imaging
  • Internal Seminar, Empa X-ray Center, Dübendorf, 10.02.2015
    Short-wavelength Plasma Radiation for Table-top Nano-inspection
  • Tagung für Festkörperanalytik, Wien, 06.07.2015 - 08.07.2015
    Concomitant surface microscopy & spectroscopy in the lab enabled by X-ray lasers
  • X-ray spatial telescopes and optical technology (COST Workshop), Milan, 29.04.2015 - 30.04.2015
    Table-top XUV objective for nano-imaging:  what did we learn from astronomy?


Borgschulte Andreas

  • Antrittsvorlesung Uni Zürich, Universität Zürich, 10.10.2015
    Der Teufel steckt im Detail: Nanochemie für die Energiewende
  • Biomasse Erfahrungsaustausch, Zofingen, 23.11.2015
    Steigerung der Methanproduktion in Biogasanlagen durch chemische Methanisierung
  • Biomasseforschung in der Schweiz, Ittigen, 23.04.2015
    Smart Cat - Biogas-Upgrade durch kontinuierliche CO2-Methanisierung
  • Gordon Research Conference, Waterville, MA, 12.07.2015 -18.07.2015
    Hydrides dye oxides
  • HIU-Seminar, Helmholtz-Zentrum Ulm, 20.10.2015
    Electron-Transfer reactions by time-resolved Magneto-Optics
  • Technology Briefing: Power-to-Gas in der Mobilität, Empa, Dübendorf, 25.02.2015
    Zukunft Methanisierung


Heeb Norbert
  • 6th VERT Forum: Particle Filter Technologies, Empa Dübendorf, 19.03.2015
    PCDD/Fs are not only generated by copper catalysis

Masoudnia Leili

  • WG3&WG4&WG5 Meeting COST Action MP 1203, Madrid, 09.07.2015 - 10.07.2015
    Parametric Optimization of Plasma Active-medium Parameters for Short-wavelength Laser

Ruiz-Lopez Maria Isabel

  • Empa Topical Day on Imaging and Image Analysis, Dübendorf, 15.04.2015
    Extreme ultraviolet Stokesmeter for pulsed magneto-optics
  • WG3&WG4&WG5 Meeting COST Action MP 1203, Madrid, 09.07.2015 - 10.07.2015
    Table top lensless imaging using Plasma based laser

Wang Jing

  • Aircraft Noise and Emissions Reduction Symposium (ANERS), La Rochelle, 22.09.2015 - 25.09.2015
    Aircraft engine Emission measurement in Zürich and comparative assessment

Zennegg Markus
  • Fachtagung PCB in der Umwelt mit Fokus auf Gewässer, BAFU Bern, 09.12.2015
    Identifikation von PCB-Punktquellen in Gewässern



Figi Renato

  • Plattformtagung der Kantone für die Marktkontrolle , Bern, 11.03.2014
    Quantitative Bestimmung von Hg in Fluoreszenz-Leuchten. Eine Herausforderung

Heeb Norbert

  • 8th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, Zürich, 22.06.2014 -25.06.2014
    Catalysis - a key property of filters to lower emissions of genotoxic compounds
  • 5th VERT Forum on Evolution of Diesel Particle Filter- and deNOx Technolgies, Dübendorf, 21.03.2014
    Catalysis - a key property of filters to lower emissions of genotoxic compounds

Sukiene Vilma

  • International Society of Exposure Science 24th Annual Meeting, Cincinatti, 12.10.2014 - 16.10.2014
    Measurement of the transfer of SVOCs from consumer products to house dust

Wang Jing

  • Forum on Advanced Textile Materials and Processing - "Novel Textile Material on Environmental Protection", Beijing, 19.10.2014
    Respirator protection against carbon nanotubes and application of ultrathin nanofiber filters
  • International Aerosol Conference 2014, Busan, 28.08.2014 -02.09.2014
    Release of nanomaterials into the environment: examples from nanocomposites to aircraft engines
  • Seminar at the Pusan National Univeristy, Busan, 02.09.2014
    Carbon nanotubes: from application in nanocomposites to toxicity and emission control





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