Computational tools

Our group maintains and develops several computational tools. Here is a list of our open-source libraries.

ddeq - A Python library for point source quantification from remote sensing images

The Python library for data-driven emission quantification (ddeq) is a community library for quantifying the emissions of emission hot spots. It can be used to determine the emissions of cities, power plants and indus-trial facilities from remote sensing images using various methods. ddeq can be extended for new datasets and methods, providing a powerful community tool for users and developers. The application of the methods is shown using Jupyter notebooks included in the library.

emiproc - Preprocessing of emissions: from any inventory to any model
A flowchart showing the typical workflow for emiproc, from reading emission inventories, through processing the input data, to writing the inventory in a format that can be read by the model.

emiproc is a python package to generate emission input files for atmospheric transport models. It can process inventories available in different formats and on different grids and generate input files for models operating on any type of grid including complex unstructured grids. Originally designed for the models COSMO-ART and ICON-ART, it can readily be adapted for other models.



flexDOAS - flexible Python library for Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy
GRAMM/GRAL Python package
Processing Chain for COSMO and ICON Simulations