Publications Laser Spectroscopy 2023
Brechbühler, R.; Selaković, M.; Scheidegger, P.; Looser, H.; Kupferschmid, A.; Blaser, S.; Butet, J.; Emmenegger, L.; Tuzson, B. Rapid detection of volatile organic compounds by switch-scan tuning of Vernier quantum-cascade lasers. Anal. Chem. 2023, 95 (5), 2857-2864.
Brunamonti, S.; Graf, M.; Bühlmann, T.; Pascale, C.; Ilak, I.; Emmenegger, L.; Tuzson, B. SI-traceable validation of a laser spectrometer for balloon-borne measurements of water vapor in the upper atmosphere. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2023, 16 (19), 4391-4407.
Mächler, L.; Baggenstos, D.; Krauss, F.; Schmitt, J.; Bereiter, B.; Walther, R.; Reinhard, C.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L.; Fischer, H. Laser-induced sublimation extraction for centimeter-resolution multi-species greenhouse gas analysis on ice cores. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2023, 16 (2), 355-372.
Nataraj, A.; Tuzson, B.; Gianella, M.; Prokhorov, I.; Li, G.; Ebert, V.; Faist, J.; Emmenegger, L. Position-specific isotope analysis of propane by mid-IR laser absorption spectroscopy. Anal. Chem. 2023, 95 (12), 5354-5361.
Selaković, M.; Brechbühler, R.; Scheidegger, P.; Looser, H.; Kupferschmid, A.; Blaser, S.; Emmenegger, L.; Zenobi, R.; Tuzson, B. Analysis of breath-related volatile organic compounds with laser absorption spectroscopy. Chimia 2023, 77 (11), 785.
Stavropoulou, F.; Vinković, K.; Kers, B.; de Vries, M.; van Heuven, S.; Korbeń, P.; Schmidt, M.; Wietzel, J.; Jagoda, P.; Necki, J. M.; et al. High potential for CH4 emission mitigation from oil infrastructure in one of EU's major production regions. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2023, 23 (18), 10399-10412.
Brechbühler, R.; Selaković, M.; Scheidegger, P.; Looser, H.; Kupferschmid, A.; Emmenegger, L.; Tuzson, B. Step-scan tuning of vernier quantum-cascade lasers for rapid detection of volatile organic molecules. In Optica high-brightness sources and light-driven interactions congress 2022, presented at the Mid-infrared coherent sources, Budapest, Hungary, March 21-25, 2022; High-brightness sources and light-driven interactions; Optica Publishing Group: Washington, DC, 2022; p MF2C.1 (2 pp.).
Morales, R.; Ravelid, J.; Vinkovic, K.; Korbeń, P.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L.; Chen, H.; Schmidt, M.; Humbel, S.; Brunner, D. Controlled-release experiment to investigate uncertainties in UAV-based emission quantification for methane point sources. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2022, 15 (7), 2177-2198.
Nataraj, A.; Gianella, M.; Tuzson, B.; Li, G.; Ebert, V.; Faist, J.; Emmenegger, L. Cool mid-IR absorption spectroscopy of cold molecules. In Proceedings optical sensors and sensing congress 2022 (AIS, LACSEA, sensors, ES), presented at the Optics and photonics for sensing the environment 2022, Vancouver, July 11-15, 2022; Optics and photonics for sensing the environment; Optica Publishing Group: Washington, DC, 2022; p ETu4H.7 (2 pp.).
Nataraj, A.; Gianella, M.; Prokhorov, I.; Tuzson, B.; Bertrand, M.; Mohn, J.; Faist, J.; Emmenegger, L. Quantum cascade laser absorption spectrometer with a low temperature multipass cell for precision clumped CO2 measurement. Opt. Express 2022, 30 (3), 4631-4641.
Pieber, S. M.; Tuzson, B.; Henne, S.; Karstens, U.; Gerbig, C.; Koch, F. T.; Brunner, D.; Steinbacher, M.; Emmenegger, L. Analysis of regional CO2 contributions at the high Alpine observatory Jungfraujoch by means of atmospheric transport simulations and δ13C. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2022, 22 (16), 10721-10749.
Singer, C. E.; Clouser, B. W.; Khaykin, S. M.; Krämer, M.; Cairo, F.; Peter, T.; Lykov, A.; Rolf, C.; Spelten, N.; Afchine, A.; et al. Intercomparison of upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric water vapor measurements over the Asian Summer Monsoon during the StratoClim campaign. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2022, 15 (16), 4767-4783.
Sobanski, N.; Tuzson, B.; Scheidegger, P.; Looser, H.; Hüglin, C.; Emmenegger, L. A high-precision mid-infrared spectrometer for ambient HNO3 measurements. Sensors 2022, 22 (23), 9158 (16 pp.).
Brunamonti, S.; Martucci, G.; Romanens, G.; Poltera, Y.; Wienhold, F. G.; Hervo, M.; Haefele, A.; Navas-Guzmán, F. Validation of aerosol backscatter profiles from Raman lidar and ceilometer using balloon-borne measurements. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2021, 21 (3), 2267-2285.
Graf, M.; Brunamonti, S.; Peter, T.; Emmenegger, L.; Tuzson, B. Compact QCL absorption spectrometer for balloon-borne water vapor measurements in the upper atmosphere. In Proceedings OSA optical sensors and sensing congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES), presented at the Optics and photonics for sensing the environment 2021, Virtual, Online, July 19-23, 2021; OSA: Washington D.C., 2021; p EW3C.3 (2 pp.).
Graf, M.; Scheidegger, P.; Kupferschmid, A.; Looser, H.; Peter, T.; Dirksen, R.; Emmenegger, L.; Tuzson, B. Compact and lightweight mid-infrared laser spectrometer for balloon-borne water vapor measurements in the UTLS. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2021, 14 (2), 1365-1378.
Sobanski, N.; Tuzson, B.; Scheidegger, P.; Looser, H.; Kupferschmid, A.; Iturrate, M.; Pascale, C.; Hüglin, C.; Emmenegger, L. Advances in high-precision NO2 measurement by quantum cascade laser absorption spectroscopy. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11 (3), 1222 (21 pp.).
Tuzson, B.; Morales, R.; Graf, M.; Scheidegger, P.; Looser, H.; Kupferschmid, A.; Emmenegger, L. Bird's-eye view of localized methane emission sources. Chimia 2021, 75 (9), 802.
Bereiter, B.; Tuzson, B.; Scheidegger, P.; Kupferschmid, A.; Looser, H.; Machler, L.; Baggenstos, D.; Schmitt, J.; Fischer, H.; Emmenegger, L. High-precision laser spectrometer for multiple greenhouse gas analysis in 1 mL air from ice core samples. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2020, 13 (11), 6391-6406.
Gianella, M.; Nataraj, A.; Tuzson, B.; Jouy, P.; Kapsalidis, F.; Beck, M.; Mangold, M.; Hugi, A.; Faist, J.; Emmenegger, L. High-resolution and gapless dual comb spectroscopy with current-tuned quantum cascade lasers. Opt. Express 2020, 28 (5), 6197-6208.
Hanumanthu, S.; Vogel, B.; Müller, R.; Brunamonti, S.; Fadnavis, S.; Li, D.; Ölsner, P.; Naja, M.; Singh, B. B.; Kumar, K. R.; et al. Strong day-to-day variability of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer (ATAL) in August 2016 at the Himalayan foothills. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2020, 20 (22), 14273-14302.
Kantnerová, K.; Yu, L.; Zindel, D.; Zahniser, M. S.; Nelson, D. D.; Tuszon, B.; Nakagawa, M.; Toyoda, S.; Yoshida, N.; Emmenegger, L.; et al. First investigation and absolute calibration of clumped isotopes in N2O by mid-infrared laser spectroscopy. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2020, 34 (15), e8836 (15 pp.).
Tuzson, B.; Graf, M.; Ravelid, J.; Scheidegger, P.; Kupferschmid, A.; Looser, H.; Morales, R. P.; Emmenegger, L. A compact QCL spectrometer for mobile, high-precision methane sensing aboard drones. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2020, 13 (9), 4715-4726.
Aseev, O.; Tuzson, B.; Looser, H.; Scheidegger, P.; Liu, C.; Morstein, C.; Niederhauser, B.; Emmenegger, L. High-precision ethanol measurement by mid-IR laser absorption spectroscopy for metrological applications. Opt. Express 2019, 27 (4), 5314-5325.
Emmenegger, L.; Aseev, O.; Scheidegger, P.; Blaser, S.; Looser, H.; Tuzson, B. Highly sensitive detection of organic molecules using widely electrically tuneable QCLs. In Optical sensors and sensing Congress (ES, FTS, HISE, sensors), presented at the Optics and photonics for sensing the environment 2019, San Jose, USA, June 25-27, 2019; Optics and photonics for sensing the environment; OSA: Washington D.C., 2019; p EW4A.4 (2 pp.).
Graf, M.; Scheidegger, P.; Looser, H.; Stanicki, B.; Peter, T.; Emmenegger, L.; Tuzson, B. Mid-IR laser spectrometer for balloon-borne lower stratospheric water vapor measurements. In Conference on lasers and electro-optics, presented at the CLEO: applications and tchnology 2019, San Jose, USA, May 5-10, 2019; CLEO: applications and technology; OSA: Washington D.C., 2019; p AM1K.3 (2 pp.).
Ibraim, E.; Wolf, B.; Harris, E.; Gasche, R.; Wei, J.; Yu, L.; Kiese, R.; Eggleston, S.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Zeeman, M.; et al. Attribution of N2O sources in a grassland soil with laser spectroscopy based isotopocule analysis. Biogeosciences 2019, 16 (16), 3247-3266.
Kantnerová, K.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L.; Bernasconi, S. M.; Mohn, J. Quantifying isotopic signatures of N2O using quantum cascade laser absorption spectroscopy. Chimia 2019, 73 (4), 232-238.
Shahmohammadi, M.; Kapsalidis, F.; Süess, M. J.; Gini, E.; Beck, M.; Hundt, M.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L.; Faist, J. Multi-wavelength distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers for broadband trace gas spectroscopy. Semicond. Sci. Technol. 2019, 34 (8), 083001 (14 pp.).
Bovey, F.; Cros, J.; Tuzson, B.; Seyssel, K.; Schneiter, P.; Emmenegger, L.; Tappy, L. Breath acetone as a marker of energy balance: an exploratory study in healthy humans. Nutr. Diabetes 2018, 8 (1), 50 (4 pp.).
Emmenegger, L.; Mohn, J.; Faist, J.; Hundt, M.; Kantnerová, K.; Kapsalidis, F.; Looser, H.; Shahmohammadi, M.; Tuzson, B. Multi-species, high-precision MIR trace gas detection for environmental applications. In Proceedings advanced photonics 2018 (BGPP, IPR, NP, NOMA, sensors, networks, SPPCom, SOF), presented at the Optical sensors 2018, Zurich, July 2-5, 2018; OSA, 2018.
Emmenegger, L.; Stanicki, B.; Graf, M.; Scheidegger, P.; Hundt, M.; Faist, J.; Kapsalidis, F.; Looser, H.; Shahmohammadi, M.; Tuzson, B. QCL absorption spectroscopy for lightweight and multi-species environmental applications. In Optics and photonics for energy and the environment, presented at the Light, energy and the environment congress 2018, Singapore, Singapore, November 5-8, 2018; OSA, 2018; Vol. F118, p (2 pp.).
Graf, M.; Emmenegger, L.; Tuzson, B. Compact, circular, and optically stable multipass cell for mobile laser absorption spectroscopy. Opt. Lett. 2018, 43 (11), 2434-2437.
Hundt, P. M.; Tuzson, B.; Aseev, O.; Liu, C.; Scheidegger, P.; Looser, H.; Kapsalidis, F.; Shahmohammadi, M.; Faist, J.; Emmenegger, L. Multi-species trace gas sensing with dual-wavelength QCLs. Appl. Phys. B 2018, 124 (6), 108 (9 pp.).
Ibraim, E.; Harris, E.; Eyer, S.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L.; Six, J.; Mohn, J. Development of a field-deployable method for simultaneous, real-time measurements of the four most abundant N2O isotopocules. Isot. Environ. Health Stud. 2018, 54 (1), 1-15.
Kapsalidis, F.; Shahmohammadi, M.; Süess, M. J.; Wolf, J. M.; Gini, E.; Beck, M.; Hundt, M.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L.; Faist, J. Dual-wavelength DFB quantum cascade lasers: sources for multi-species trace gas spectroscopy. Appl. Phys. B 2018, 124 (6), 107 (17 pp.).
Liu, C.; Tuzson, B.; Scheidegger, P.; Looser, H.; Bereiter, B.; Graf, M.; Hundt, M.; Aseev, O.; Maas, D.; Emmenegger, L. Laser driving and data processing concept for mobile trace gas sensing: design and implementation. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2018, 89 (6), 065107 (9 pp.).
Morten Hundt, P.; Müller, M.; Mangold, M.; Tuzson, B.; Scheidegger, P.; Looser, H.; Hüglin, C.; Emmenegger, L. Mid-IR spectrometer for mobile, real-time urban NO2 measurements. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2018, 11 (5), 2669-2681.
Shahmohammadi, M.; Kapsalidis, F.; Süess, M. J.; Wolf, J. M.; Gini, E.; Beck, M.; Hundt, M.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L.; Faist, J. Dual-wavelength DFB quantum cascade lasers for multi-species trace gas spectroscopy. In Proceedings advanced photonics 2018 (BGPP, IPR, NP, NOMA, sensors, networks, SPPCom, SOF), presented at the Optical sensors 2018, Zurich, July 2-5, 2018; Optics InfoBase Conference Papers; OSA, 2018.
Tuzson, B.; Looser, H.; Felder, F.; Bovey, F.; Tappy, L.; Emmenegger, L. Human breath acetone analysis by mid-IR laser spectroscopy: development and application. In High-brightness sources and light-driven interactions, presented at the Mid-infrared coherent sources 2018, Strasbourg, France, March 26-28, 2017; Mid-infrared coherent sources; OSA: Washington D.C., 2018.
Tuzson, B.; Aseev, O.; Looser, H.; Tappy, L.; Niederhauser, B.; Emmenegger, L. Mid-IR laser spectroscopy in life sciences: medical and forensic applications. In Advanced photonics 2018 (BGPP, IPR, NP, NOMA, sensors, networks, SPPCom, SOF), presented at the Optical sensors 2018, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2-5, 2018; Optical sensors; OSA: Washington D.C., 2018.
Graf, M.; Looser, H.; Emmenegger, L.; Tuzson, B. Beam folding analysis and optimization of mask-enhanced toroidal multipass cells. Opt. Lett. 2017, 42 (16), 3137-3140.
Harris, E.; Henne, S.; Hüglin, C.; Zellweger, C.; Tuzson, B.; Ibraim, E.; Emmenegger, L.; Mohn, J. Tracking nitrous oxide emission processes at a suburban site with semicontinuous, in situ measurements of isotopic composition. J. Geophys. Res.: Atmos. 2017, 122 (3), 1850-1870.
Hundt, M.; Shahmohammadi, M.; Kapsalidis, F.; Tuzson, B.; Liu, C.; Scheidegger, P.; Süess, M.; Looser, H.; Faist, J.; Emmenegger, L. Multi-species trace gas analysis with dual-wavelength DFB-QCLs. In Conference on lasers and electro-optics, presented at the CLEO: applications and technology 2017, San Jose, California United States, May 14–19, 2017; OSA, 2017; p AF2B.2 (2 pp.).
Tuzson, B.; Jágerská, J.; Looser, H.; Graf, M.; Felder, F.; Fill, M.; Tappy, L.; Emmenegger, L. Highly selective volatile organic compounds breath analysis using a broadly-tunable vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser. Anal. Chem. 2017, 89, 6377-6383.
Older Publications
Eyer, S.; Tuzson, B.; Popa, M. E.; van der Veen, C.; Röckmann, T.; Rothe, M.; Brand, W. A.; Fisher, R.; Lowry, D.; Nisbet, E. G.; et al. Real-time analysis of δ13C- and δD-CH4 in ambient air with laser spectroscopy: method development and first intercomparison results. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2016, 9 (1), 263-280.
Mangold, M.; Tuzson, B.; Hundt, M.; Jágerská, J.; Looser, H.; Emmenegger, L. Circular paraboloid reflection cell for laser spectroscopic trace gas analysis. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2016, 33 (5), 913-919.
Röckmann, T.; Eyer, S.; van der Veen, C.; Popa, M. E.; Tuzson, B.; Monteil, G.; Houweling, S.; Harris, E.; Brunner, D.; Fischer, H.; et al. In situ observations of the isotopic composition of methane at the Cabauw tall tower site. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2016, 16 (16), 10469-10487.
Süess, M. J.; Wolf, J. M.; Jouy, P.; Bonzon, C.; Beck, M.; Hundt, M.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L.; Faist, J. Analysis of dual-section DFB-QCLs for spectroscopic applications. In 2016 compound semiconductor week (CSW), presented at the 2016 compound semiconductor week (CSW), Toyama, Japan, June 26-30, 2016; IEEE, 2016; p 7528846 (2 pp.).
Süess, M. J.; Hundt, P. M.; Tuzson, B.; Riedi, S.; Wolf, J. M.; Peretti, R.; Beck, M.; Looser, H.; Emmenegger, L.; Faist, J. Dual-section DFB-QCLs for multi-species trace gas analysis. Photonics 2016, 3 (2), 24 (15 pp.).
Tuzson, B.; Jágerská, J.; Looser, H.; Felder, F.; Tappy, L.; Emmenegger, L. Application of Mid-IR VECSEL in life sciences: highly specific acetone analysis in human breath. In Imaging and applied optics 2016, presented at the Laser applications to chemical, security and environmental analysis, LACSEA 2016, Heidelberg, Germany, July 25–28, 2016; OSA: Washington, DC, 2016; p LM4G.2 (3 pp.).
Emmenegger, L.; Tuzson, B.; Jágerská, J.; Looser, H.; Mangold, M.; Mohn, J. MIR Spectroscopy beyond trace levels - environmental and industrial applications. In CLEO: applications and technology 2015, presented at the CLEO:2015, San Jose, California United States, May 10-15, 2015; Conference on lasers and electro-optics; OSA: Washington, D.C., USA, 2015; p ATu2M.1 (2 pp.).
Emmenegger, L.; Jágerská, J.; Brönnimann, R.; Faist, J.; Jouy, P.; Looser, H.; Soltic, P.; Tuzson, B. Multi-component trace gas spectroscopy using dual-wavelength quantum cascade lasers. Chimia 2015, 69 (11), 708.
Jágerská, J.; Looser, H.; Tuzson, B.; Felder, F.; Tappy, L.; Emmenegger, L. Highly selective VOC breath analysis using a 3.3 μm broadly-tunable VECSEL. In CLEO: applications and technology 2015, presented at the CLEO:2015, San Jose, California United States, May 10-15, 2015; Conference on lasers and electro-optics; OSA: Washington, D.C., USA, 2015; p ATh3J.6 (2 pp.).
Jágerská, J.; Jouy, P.; Tuzson, B.; Looser, H.; Mangold, M.; Soltic, P.; Hugi, A.; Süess, M. J.; Brönnimann, R.; Hundt, M.; et al. Simultaneous measurement of NO and NO2 using a dual-wavelength quantum cascade laser. In Proceedings advanced photonics 2015, presented at the Optical sensors, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, June 27 - July 1, 2015; OSA: Washington, DC, 2015; p SeT2D.5 (3 pp.).
Jágerská, J.; Jouy, P.; Tuzson, B.; Looser, H.; Mangold, M.; Soltic, P.; Hugi, A.; Brönnimann, R.; Faist, J.; Emmenegger, L. Simultaneous measurement of NO and NO2 by dual-wavelength quantum cascade laser spectroscopy. Opt. Express 2015, 23 (2), 1512-1522.
Mangold, M.; Looser, H.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L. Cylindrical multipass reflection cells for optical trace gas sensing. In CLEO: applications and technology 2015, presented at the CLEO:2015, San Jose, California United States, May 10-15, 2015; Conference on lasers and electro-optics; OSA: Washington, D.C., USA, 2015; p JTh2A.86 (2 pp.).
Wolf, B.; Merbold, L.; Decock, C.; Tuzson, B.; Harris, E.; Six, J.; Emmenegger, L.; Mohn, J. First on-line isotopic characterization of N2O above intensively managed grassland. Biogeosciences 2015, 12 (8), 2517-2531.
Fischer, M.; Tuzson, B.; Hugi, A.; Brönnimann, R.; Kunz, A.; Blaser, S.; Rochat, M.; Landry, O.; Müller, A.; Emmenegger, L. Intermittent operation of QC-lasers for mid-IR spectroscopy with low heat dissipation: tuning characteristics and driving electronics. Opt. Express 2014, 22 (6), 7014-7027.
Heil, J.; Wolf, B.; Brüggemann, N.; Emmenegger, L.; Tuzson, B.; Vereecken, H.; Mohn, J. Site-specific 15N isotopic signatures of abiotically produced N2O. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 2014, 139, 72-82.
Jouy, P.; Mangold, M.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L.; Chang, Y. C.; Hvozdara, L.; Herzig, H. P.; Wägli, P.; Homsy, A.; de Rooij, N. F.; et al. Mid-infrared spectroscopy for gases and liquids based on quantum cascade technologies. Analyst 2014, 139 (9), 2039-2046.
Jágerská, J.; Jouy, P.; Hugi, A.; Tuzson, B.; Looser, H.; Mangold, M.; Beck, M.; Emmenegger, L.; Faist, J. Dual-wavelength quantum cascade laser for trace gas spectroscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2014, 105 (16), 161109 (4 pp.).
Jágerská, J.; Jouy, P.; Tuzson, B.; Looser, H.; Hugi, A.; Mangold, M.; Soltic, P.; Faist, J.; Emmenegger, L. Multi-color laser spectroscopy with a dual-wavelength quantum cascade laser. Presented at the CLEO: science and innovations 2014, San Jose, California United States, June 8–13, 2014; p SM2E.4 (2 pp.).
Jouy, P.; Bonetti, Y.; Hans, K.; Gianella, M.; Sigrist, M.; Mangold, M.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L.; Wägli, P.; Homsy, A.; et al. Multi-wavelength QCL based MIR spectroscopy for fluids and gases. In CLEO: applications and technology, presented at the CLEO:2013, San Jose, California United States, June 9-14, 2013; Conference on lasers and electro-optics; OSA: Washington, D.C., USA, 2013.
Jágerská, J.; Tuzson, B.; Looser, H.; Bismuto, A.; Faist, J.; Prinz, H.; Emmenegger, L. Highly sensitive and fast detection of propane–butane using a 3 μm quantum cascade laser. Appl. Opt. 2013, 52 (19), 4613-4619.
Köster, J. R.; Well, R.; Tuzson, B.; Bol, R.; Dittert, K.; Giesemann, A.; Emmenegger, L.; Manninen, A.; Cárdenas, L.; Mohn, J. Novel laser spectroscopic technique for continuous analysis of N2O isotopomers – application and intercomparison with isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2013, 27 (1), 216-222.
Sturm, P.; Tuzson, B.; Henne, S.; Emmenegger, L. Tracking isotopic signatures of CO2 at the high altitude site Jungfraujoch with laser spectroscopy: analytical improvements and representative results. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2013, 6 (7), 1659-1671.
Tuzson, B.; Mangold, M.; Looser, H.; Manninen, A.; Emmenegger, L. Compact multipass optical cell for laser spectroscopy. Opt. Lett. 2013, 38 (3), 257-259.
Tuzson, B.; Mangold, M.; Sturm, P.; Henne, S.; Looser, H.; Bonetti, Y.; Faist, J.; Emmenegger, L. Frontiers of isotope ratio measurements and the first analyzers fully based on QC technology. In Mid-infrared coherent sources, presented at the Mid-Infrared coherent sources 2013, Paris, France, October 27 - November 1, 2013; Lasers, sources, and related photonic devices; OSA: Washington, D.C., 2013; p MTh3C.4 (2 pp.).
Tuzson, B.; Zeyer, K.; Steinbacher, M.; McManus, J. B.; Nelson, D. D.; Zahniser, M. S.; Emmenegger, L. Selective measurements of NO, NO2 and NOy in the free troposphere using quantum cascade laser spectroscopy. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2013, 6 (4), 927-936.
Wunderlin, P.; Lehmann, M. F.; Siegrist, H.; Tuzson, B.; Joss, A.; Emmenegger, L.; Mohn, J. Isotope signatures of N2O in a mixed microbial population system: constraints on N2O producing pathways in wastewater treatment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013, 47 (3), 1339-1348.
Emmenegger, L.; Manninen, A.; Tuzson, B.; Looser, H.; Bonetti, Y. High-precision trace gas measurements using quantum cascade lasers and novel star-like cell designs. In Proceedings lasers, sources, and related photonic devices, presented at the Laser applications to chemical, security and environmental analysis 2012, San Diego, California, United States, January 29 - February 1, 2012; Laser applications to chemical, security and environmental analysis. Conference proceedings; OSA: Washington, D.C., 2012.
Manninen, A.; Tuzson, B.; Looser, H.; Bonetti, Y.; Emmenegger, L. Versatile multipass cell for laser spectroscopic trace gas analysis. Appl. Phys. B 2012, 109 (3), 461-466.
Mohn, J.; Tuzson, B.; Manninen, A.; Yoshida, N.; Toyoda, S.; Brand, W. A.; Emmenegger, L. Site selective real-time measurements of atmospheric N2O isotopomers by laser spectroscopy. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2012, 5 (7), 1601-1609.
Kammer, A.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L.; Knohl, A.; Mohn, J.; Hagedorn, F. Application of a quantum cascade laser-based spectrometer in a closed chamber system for real-time δ13C and δ18O measurements of soil-respired CO2. Agric. For. Meteorol. 2011, 151 (1), 39-48.
Tuzson, B.; Henne, S.; Brunner, D.; Steinbacher, M.; Mohn, J.; Buchmann, B.; Emmenegger, L. Continuous isotopic composition measurements of tropospheric CO2 at Jungfraujoch (3580 m a.s.l.), Switzerland: real-time observation of regional pollution events. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2011, 11 (4), 1685-1696.
Janssen, C.; Tuzson, B. Isotope evidence for ozone formation on surfaces. J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114 (36), 9709-9719.
Mohn, J.; Guggenheim, C.; Tuzson, B.; Vollmer, M. K.; Toyoda, S.; Yoshida, N.; Emmenegger, L. A liquid nitrogen-free preconcentration unit for measurements of ambient N2O isotopomers by QCLAS. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2010, 3 (3), 609-618.
Neftel, A.; Ammann, C.; Fischer, C.; Spirig, C.; Conen, F.; Emmenegger, L.; Tuzson, B.; Wahlen, S. N2O exchange over managed grassland: application of a quantum cascade laser spectrometer for micrometeorological flux measurements. Agric. For. Meteorol. 2010, 150 (6), 775-785.
Tuzson, B.; Hiller, R. V.; Zeyer, K.; Eugster, W.; Neftel, A.; Ammann, C.; Emmenegger, L. Field intercomparison of two optical analyzers for CH4 eddy covariance flux measurements. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2010, 3 (6), 1519-1531.
Nelson, D. D.; McManus, J. B.; Herndon, S. C.; Zahniser, M. S.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L. New method for isotopic ratio measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide using a 4.3 μm pulsed quantum cascade laser. Appl. Phys. B 2008, 90 (2), 301-309.
Tuzson, B.; Mohn, J.; Zeeman, M. J.; Werner, R. A.; Eugster, W.; Zahniser, M. S.; Nelson, D. D.; McManus, J. B.; Emmenegger, L. High precision and continuous field measurements of δ13C and δ18O in carbon dioxide with a cryogen-free QCLAS. Appl. Phys. B 2008, 92 (3), 451-458.
Tuzson, B.; Zeeman, M. J.; Zahniser, M. S.; Emmenegger, L. Quantum cascade laser based spectrometer for in situ stable carbon dioxide isotope measurements. Infrared Phys. Technol. 2008, 51 (3), 198-206.
Waechter, H.; Mohn, J.; Tuzson, B.; Emmenegger, L.; Sigrist, M. W. Determination of N2O isotopomers with quantum cascade laser based absorption spectroscopy. Opt. Express 2008, 16 (12), 9239-9244.
Krankowsky, D.; Lämmerzahl, P.; Mauersberger, K.; Janssen, C.; Tuzson, B.; Röckmann, T. Stratospheric ozone isotope fractionations derived from collected samples. J. Geophys. Res.: Atmos. 2007, 112 (8), D08301 (7 pp.).
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