Conformity Assessment Body for Diesel Particle Filter Systems according OAPC

The conformity assessment body is assessing submitted test reports for the certification of construction machines with diesel particle filter (Case 1) as well as retrofit diesel particle filter systems (Case 2) according the compliance with the Swiss federal ordinance on air pollution control (OAPC). Following cases are distinguished:

  • Case 1: Engine family according 97/68/EG
  • Case 2: Particle filter family according SN 277206
1. New application

The classification of different “particle filter systems” in “particle filter families” as well as the Transferability of test results has to be done in accordance with SN 277206 (Fig. 3: Definition of particle filter systems and particle filter families as well as Annex A: Transferability of test results).

Required documents for the conformity assessment:

  • Signed order form
    a) Case 1: engine family (template here)
    b) Case 2: particle filter family (template here)
  • SN 277206 Test report(s) according order form of an accredited and from FOEN accepted laboratory (see here)
  • Copy of 97/68/EC type approval certificate (Case 1 only)


Tarif rates: see order form

2. Modifications or extension of existing certificates of conformity

Certificates of conformities are valid for 5 years (issue date remains in case of modifications). It can be extended if it is shown, that all requirements demanded by the OAPC at the time of renewal are still met.

Existing OAPC-certificates of conformity with expiration date End of 2013 may be extended until End of 2014 according the interim provisions form 25.10.2013. For further extension, SN 277206 conform test reports from ISO17025 accredited and FOEN accepted laboratories has to be submitted.

Required documents for the conformity assessment:

  • Signed order form
    a) Case 1: engine family (template here)
    b) Case 2: particle filter family (template here)
  • Signed modification form (attachment to order form) (template here)
  • SN 277206 test report(s) according order form of an accredited and from FOEN accepted laboratory (see here)
  • Copy of 97/68/EC type approval certificate (Case 1 only)


Tarif rates: see order form

The conformity assessment is done according a conformity assessment form for Case 1 (see here) and for Case 2 (see here). The criteria for the compliance are noted on the forms.
Address for the submission of applications for the conformity assessment:

Submission if possible per e-mail:

Postal address:
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (Empa)
Ueberlandstrasse 129
CH-8600 Dübendorf