Circular Economy Resource Information System (CE-RISE)

Demand for critical raw materials is growing faster than supply, and it is becoming harder for EU industries to adopt changes towards green and sustainable technologies. One solution is to optimise the reuse of sec-ondary raw materials across value chains. In this context, the EU-funded CE-RISE project will design and test an integrated framework to effectively reuse, recover and recycle materials. The project will define criteria to assess reusable products and embedded components. Moreover, it will collect and store information about the reuse criteria and material composition of products in a digital product passport, integrating it with in-formation on the environmental footprint of products and the socio-economic and environmental impacts of reuse, recovery and recycling processes.

Heinz Böni
Technology & Society Laboratory
Lerchenfeldstrasse 5
9014 St. Gallen
Tel. +41 58 765 78 58

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