CV Zhanyun Wang


12.2021–present       Scientist at Environmental Risk Assessment and Management Group (ERAM), Technology & Society Laboratory, EMPA, Switzerland

                                 Lecturer at ETH Zurich, Switzerland: 
guest lecture “I
ntroduction to International Chemicals and Waste Management” (Bachelor level); computer and lab course: “Plastic recycling: opportunities and challenges (WasteRec)” (Master level)

12.2017–11.2021      Senior Scientist (Oberassistent) at Chair of Ecological Systems Design (, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

12.2015–11.2017      Senior Scientist (Oberassistent) at Safety and Environmental Technology Group (, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

10.2014–04.2015      Programme Management Specialist at the Chemicals and Health Branch, UNEP in Geneva, Switzerland

12.2013-11.2015       Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Safety and Environmental Technology Group (, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

02.2009–11.2009     Internship at the Swiss Centre for Applied Ecotoxicology, Eawag-EPFL (



08.2017–09.2017      Certificate of Advanced Studies in Public Governance and Administration ( at ETH Zurich, Switzerland

12.2009–11.2013      Doctoral study at ETH Zurich, Switzerland

10.2006–10.2008      Master of Science in Environmental Planning and Engineering Ecology (Umweltplanung und Ingeniuerökologie) at Technical University Munich (TUM), Germany

09.2002–07.2006      Dual-bachelor at Shanghai Jiaotong University, China; 1st Major in Environmental Engineering; 2ndMajor in Business Administration.

Professional Services

01.2022–present       Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Environmental Science & Technology Letters

11.2021–present       Member, ad hoc Expert Group on Developing OECD Guidance on Chemical Inventories, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

01.2021–present       Member, Early Career Editorial Advisory Board, Environmental Science & Technology

09.2020–10.2020      Reviewer for Dutch Research Council (NWO)

05.2020–02.2021      Member of the Review Panel “Environmental Science”, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)

03.2020–present       Review Editor of Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry

10.2019–present       Board member of the International Panel on Chemical Pollution (IPCP)

10.2019–10.2019      Reviewer of the Doctoral Fellowship Programme, Austrian Academy of Sciences

03.2019–03.2019      Member of the Review Panel, Australian Research Council

04.2018–04.2019      Member of the Review Panel in Environmental Pollution, Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS)

04.2011–present       Reviewer for peer-reviewed scientific journals including Science, Nature, PNAS, PLOS Biology, Environment International, Environmental Science & Technology, Environmental Science & Technology Letter, Journal of Cleaner Production, Science of the Total Environment and so on (over 120 articles)

04.2011–09.2012      Board member of the Academic Association of Scientific Staff at ETH Zurich

04.2008–05.2009        Board member of the Environmental Division, University Student Union (AStA), at Technical University Munich (TUM), Germany


2021                         2022 James J. Morgan Environmental Science & Technology Early Career Award – Honorable Mentions

2019                         Outstanding Reviewer for Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts

2016                         Top 10 Reviewer for Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts

2006                         Graduate with Honor of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Bachelor)

2004                         Excellent Student of Shanghai
Excellent Student Leader of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Bachelor, 2004)

List of Publications

See my Google Scholar page:

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