Sound Generation of Environmental Noise Sources
Along with our long experience in the development of sound propagation models, we have a strong focus on experimental characterization and modelling of the sound generation of environmental noise sources such as road traffic, railway, aircraft, shooting or wind turbine noise. Our capability to establish detailed, physically based models is indispensable for engineering models, but in particular also for auralization, as the ear is unforgiving. These capabilities are used to develop sound source models for environmental noise exposure assessment, and to acoustically optimize noise sources and noise abatement procedures, to minimize noise impact.
Road Traffic Noise
We study the complex process of rolling noise generation in road vehicles, investigate experimental methods to describe pavement properties and determine the accuracy of different measurement concepts. Our theoretical understanding in combination with large measurement datasets is the basis for formulating road traffic sound source models, like the recently published sonROAD18.
Railway Noise
With our sophisticated finite-element-models, we simulate the process of rolling noise generation by predicting vibrational modes of track superstructure and wheel and by modelling the radiation of air-borne sound as well as low-frequent vibrations transferred to the underground. Our profound knowledge is used to develop targeted optimizations of track components like rail pads, sleepers or under sleeper pads.
Aircraft Noise
For physically-based aircraft noise modelling, our next-generation program sonAIR comprises a separate engine and airframe noise model describing in detail the sound emission and directivity as a function of flight configuration (power setting and aeroplane configuration, i.e., flaps, slats and landing gear).
Shooting Noise
We established and constantly update a large database of acoustic properties of civil and military weapon systems, which is used in our shooting noise model sonARMS. The emission data including a detailed description of the corresponding directivity pattern is either based on own source measurements or derived from theoretical approximations based on the explosive charge, projectile dimensions and ballistics.
