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Gao, Y.; Wang, J.; Tian, E.; Chen, Z.; Mo, J. Electric-field activating on-surface tailored (OST) coarse polyester fibers for efficient airborne particle removal: interfacial morphologies and electrical response. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2025, 353 (Part B), 128291 (11 pp.).
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Guo, Y.; He, W.; Liu, J.; Wang, J. Charge characteristics of co-electrospun nanofiber membranes and their application in high-humidity environment. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2025, 359, 130886 (13 pp.).
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Hutter, J.; Mendo Diaz, O.; Knobloch, M.; Zennegg, M.; Vogel, J. C.; Durisch, E.; Stalder, U.; Bigler, L.; Kern, S.; Buser, A. M.; et al. Temporal trends and spatial variations of chlorinated paraffins and olefins in sewage sludge from eight Swiss wastewater treatment plants from 1993 to 2020. Chemosphere 2025, 372, 144071 (14 pp.).
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Khairkkar, S.; Pansare, A. V.; Pansare, S. V.; Chhatre, S. Y.; Sakamoto, J.; Barbezat, M.; Terrasi, G. P.; Patil, V. R.; Nagarkar, A. A.; Naito, M. Adhesive-less bonding of incompatible thermosetting materials. RSC Appl. Polym. 2025, 3 (1), 247-256.
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Mathis, F.; Iten, S.; Knobloch, M.; Fleischmann, T.; Stalder, U.; Bleiner, D.; Kern, S.; Bigler, L.; Kohler, H. P. E.; Heeb, N. V. The metabolome of Sphingobium chinhatense IP26 exposed to chlorinated paraffins – Efficient data analysis with RASER. Chemosphere 2025, 373, 144160 (12 pp.).
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