From the Empa research program «Nanotechnology»

Scanning force microscopy at absolute zero, and a novel fiber embossing technique

Sep 9, 2004 | MARTINA PETER

An important condition for successful research in the field of nanotechnology is the availability of the most up-to-date equipment for analysis and synthesis on the nanometer scale. This is the reason why the Empa is constantly extending its range of instruments, which are used to investigate and process materials at the micro and nano level in very innovative ways.

The tip of the scanning force microscope is scanned over a sample surface.
Weitere Dokumente

Nanofair 2004: Die Empa freut sich über Ihren Besuch am Stand Nr. 9.1.47 in Halle 9.1 (Olma Halle).

New Master’s Degree in Micro- und Nanotechnology: In order to be able to implement the results of micro and nano science research without delay, the Empa is actively participating in an influential, interdisciplinary network dedicated to knowledge transfer.

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