EmpaNews 42 published

Focus: Research up close and personal

Nov 26, 2013 | RAINER KLOSE

Empa physicist René Rossi conducts research into the clothing of the future. What is it supposed to do? What is feasible? And how can 1.8 square meters of human skin be used to transfer data? One of the projects aiming in this direction is the "Weight-watcher-T-shirt": a tailor-made vest, which helps overweight people to watch their waistlines.

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Also in the current issue:
- The death knell for joints: compliant mechanisms – lighter, cheaper and more hygienic
- "Lifejackets" for deep-sea drills: special ceramics help to tap into new crude oil and gas sources.

Complete issue as pdf (4 MB)

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In December 2012 we launched EmpaNews for iPad. More than 500 readers installed our magazine in the newsstand of their iPad, watched our movie clips and studied our interactive graphics.
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Complete issue as PDF (4 MB)

