Two Empa scientists on "Highly Cited Researcher" list
Two at the top
Two Empa scientists are on this year's list of "Highly Cited Researchers". The publications of Bernd Nowack and Maksym Kovalenko are among the top-1% most highly cited papers worldwide.

Clarivate Analytics analyzes the number of citations over the past ten years using its own "Web of Science" platform. The scientists are ranked based on how many highly-cited papers they published in this period. Such papers must belong to top-1% by citations. The list of "Highly Cited Researchers" is considered an important indicator of the impact of scientific publications.
Maksym Kovalenko heads the group for functional inorganic materials, located both at Empa's Thin Films and Photovoltaics lab and at ETH Zurich. He researches new semiconductor materials for optoelectronics as well as new concepts for high-performance rechargeable batteries.
Environmental chemist Bernd Nowack is leading a research group in the Technology and Society lab at Empa in St. Gallen. Among other things, Nowack's team investigates the release and environmental aspects of nanoparticles and microplastics. In spring 2017, Empa's Board of Directors promoted him to “Distinguished Senior Researchers”, a title that only four scientist at Empa have achieved so far; Nowack's name figures on the prestigious list of “Highly Cited Researchers” for the fifth time in a row.
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Ob im Ozean oder im Naturschutzgebiet, winzige Plastikpartikel finden sich mittlerweile überall auf unserem Planeten. Wie sie dorthin gelangen und wie sich die Ausbreitung von Mikroplastik erforschen lässt, erklärt Empa-Forscher Bernd Nowack. SRF4 News, Trend, 11. August 2018