Highly Cited Researchers 2023

Two Empa researchers honoured as «influencers»

Nov 16, 2023 | ANNA ETTLIN
The two Empa scientists Maksym Kovalenko and Zhanyun Wang are among the world's most frequently cited researchers in their fields. Their influential work has netted them an entry on the list of "Highly Cited Researchers".
"Highly Cited Researchers" are those which have demonstrated significant and broad influence reflected in their publication of multiple highly cited papers over the last decade. Image: Clarivate

Every year, the analytics company Clarivate compiles a list of scientists whose publications have been most frequently cited. They are considered to be particularly influential in their fields. Only the authors of the one percent of the most cited scientific papers in various disciplines are awarded the title of "Highly Cited Researcher". This year, two Empa scientists are among the 6849 researchers featured on the list: Maksym Kovalenko and Zhanyun Wang.

Maksym Kovalenko, who also holds a professorship for inorganic materials at ETH Zurich, focuses on developing novel functional materials for energy generation and storage. His research on luminescent nanoparticles led to breakthroughs, for which he received numerous awards. This year, Kovalenko appears on the Clarivate list for the sixth time in a row.

Zhanyun Wang is a scientist in Empa's Technology & Society Laboratory. His research interests focus primarily on understanding the life cycles and risks of anthropogenic chemicals and materials in the technosphere and natural environment. He is also very interested in exploring novel and pragmatic solutions and strengthening the science–policy interface to advance the sound management of chemicals and waste towards a sustainable circular economy.

Editor / Media Contact

Anna Ettlin
Phone +41 58 765 47 33

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