It should as a result be possible in the near future to be able
to state with confidence which surface characteristics are
important for particular cell types, and which are of less
What is a Science Apéro?
The EMPA Academy provides a forum for debating current scientific
and socially relevant issues through its Science Apéros.
Held at regular intervals, these usually involve three or four
speakers with backgrounds in research, politics and commerce, who
present results and trends relating to the chosen topic seen from
their particular point of view. After the round of presentations, a
lively discussion usually ensues involving the audience who may or
may not be well versed in the theme under consideration. This
continues during the aperitif after the formal proceedings come to
a close.
The next Science Apéro will take place on June 29th 2004
on the topic “Nanotechnology – the opportunities and
Location: EMPA Duebendorf. Time: 16:30. No prior registration