News 2006

Dec 14, 2006 | Empa-Medtech development transferred to industrial partner
Multiple sclerosis is an incurable nervous disease which causes paralysis in many sufferers. However thanks to early diagnosis and modern medical treatment and support many MS patients are still able to lead a...

Dec 12, 2006 | Materials research symposium in honor of retiring Empa Board Member Walter Muster
Thirty five years ago Walter Muster commissioned Empas first scanning electron microscope, in order to be able to investigate materials with the highest possible resolution. Today the institute has about a dozen...

Dec 6, 2006 | 9th Empa Textile Conference on Functional Fibers
They lead light and electricity, are smell-reducing and biocompatible the functional fibers, much sought after in medicine, industry, fashion and sport. Until they are, however, ready for commercial application, some...

01.12.2006 | Dank molekularer Selbstorganisation zu regelmässigen Nanostrukturen
Schon seit geraumer Zeit untersuchen PhysikerInnen, wie Oberflächen beschaffen sein müssen, damit sich Moleküle darauf in bestimmten Mustern anordnen. Ihr Ziel: Die Moleküle sollen auf der präparierten Oberfläche...

Nov 22, 2006 | Empa scientist awarded Josef Umdasch Research Prize
Everyone is talking about the greenhouse effect, and how to counteract it by removing environmentally damaging carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. A computer model developed by Empa researcher Klaus Richter in...

16.11.2006 | Zu Besuch in der Empa-Abteilung «Beton & Bauchemie»
«Profitieren Sie von unserer Fachkompetenz in der Betontechnologie» hiess es in der Einladung, welche die Empa Mitte September verschickte. Gefolgt sind ihr rund 30 Interessierte, die sich über das Leistungsspektrum der...

15.11.2006 | 31. Empa-Wissenschaftsapéro
Schnelle, futuristische und teure Autos in Einzelproduktion und eine massive Reduktion von Treibstoffverbrauch und Schadstoffemissionen widersprechen sich scheinbar. Doch am jüngsten Empa-Wissenschaftsapéro zeigten drei...

Nov 14, 2006 | Empa researchers investigate synthetic additives for high performance concrete
In co-operation with industry, Empa investigates polymers, which improve the flow characteristics of concrete. Molecules with a size of only a few nanometers can improve the quality of exposed concrete and open up new...

Nov 10, 2006 | The «Clean Engine Vehicle» developed by Empa und ETHZ wins the German gas industrys Innovation Prize
A milestone for the «Clean Engine Vehicle» (CEV) developed by Empa and the ETH Zurich! The gas-fuelled automobile received the Innovation Prize for environmentally friendly mobility awarded by the German gas industry....

31.10.2006 | Empa-Mitarbeiter zum Professor ernannt
Am 27. September 2006 wurde Empa-Mitarbeiter Dr. Francis Schwarze vom Senat der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau zum ausserplanmässigen Professor ernannt. Knapp einen Monat später durfte er für seine...

Oct 31, 2006 | Empas 2006 PhD Symposium held for the first time at Empa in St. Gallen
Empas yearly PhD Symposium, a part of the PhD Students Program, has almost become a tradition. This year as well, the October 19, 2006 Symposium offered a varied program consisting of lectures and discussions in five...

Oct 25, 2006 | Two Masters students awarded this years Empa Research Prize
The Empa Research Prize, first presented in 2003, was awarded on October 19th for the fourth time on the occasion of the PhD Symposium which this year as usual was organized by students completing their doctoral...

25.10.2006 | Zweites Domizil für das Tebo
Wer mit dem Gedanken spielt, sich selbständig zu machen, findet seit zehn Jahren im Technologiezentrum für die Euregio Bodensee (tebo) professionelle Unterstützung. Seit der Gründung im Jahr 1996 haben eine stattliche...

20.10.2006 | Automobiltechniker trafen sich an der Empa
Grenzwertüberschreitungen bei Feinstaub und Ozon sowie steigende Emissionen von Treibhausgasen schnell wird bei der Suche nach Schuldigen auf Autos und Lastkraftwagen verwiesen. Doch wie viel trägt der Verkehr...

Oct 16, 2006 | Latest Empa Spin-off founded: «Dr. Paul Raschle Microbiological Expertise»
When the provision of a scientific or technical service becomes profitable, then researchers metamorphose into entrepreneurs and often establish a spin-off company. This is the path followed by Paul Raschle, for many...

Oct 11, 2006 | Empa-Research «on the road»
On October 19, the starting pistol to a special kind of Tour de Suisse will sound Empas traveling exhibition Empa on the road will visit this year five technically oriented Universities of Applied Sciences. The...

Oct 4, 2006 | Empas 1st Science Apéro in St. Gallen
With constant increases in the number of available substitute materials, mans body and health condition can be reconstituted and improved: Artificial hip joints as well as arteries and heart valves are only a few of...

02.10.2006 | Die SiegerInnen des NanoPubli-Wettbewerbs stehen fest
Auch dieses Jahr nahmen über 300 Personen am Wettbewerb an der NanoPubli teil, die am 14. September 2005 mit positiver Resonanz zu Ende ging. Zu schätzen war diesmal, wie viele Fussballfelder Platz haben auf der...

Oct 2, 2006 | Doctoral thesis on chemicals in Lake Thun awarded prize
They are to be found in settees, curtains, building materials and electrical appliances. And they accumulate in various ecosystems, because they do not easily decompose. The culprits are brominated fire retarding agents,...

Sep 27, 2006 | Experts call for more research in building sector
The Swiss building sector spends too little on research and development this was the message at a conference held at the Empa Academy in Dübendorf on 20 September. In the quest for solutions, over 70 representatives...
Showing 1 to 20 of 66 entries.