News 2024

Aug 29, 2024 | STEP2: New NEST unit inaugurated
A digitally manufactured staircase that winds its way up to the second floor. A wafer-thin, perforated concrete ceiling that absorbs sound. Floor and wall materials made from recycled waste. The latest unit in the NEST...
Aug 27, 2024 | New leadership for department Engineering Sciences
The Empa Directorate has appointed Peter Richner's successor in his role as Head of Department. Energy and building technology expert Matthias Sulzer will take over as Head of Department Engineering Sciences as of...
Aug 26, 2024 | The singing Tesla coil
A Tesla coil that makes music besides flashes of lightning? No problem for Silvio Müller and Yanis Strüby, apprentice physics laboratory technicians at Empa. With their singing Tesla coil, they won both the jury and the...
Aug 23, 2024 | Buildings as carbon sinks
With its new research initiative Mining the Atmosphere, Empa is proposing nothing less than a paradigm shift: from a CO2-emitting to a CO2-binding society. The greenhouse gas is to be used as a valuable material – for...
Aug 21, 2024 | Novel measuring method for gas emissions
Researchers from Empa, the University of Bristol and the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) have investigated the emissions of the potent greenhouse gas HFC-23 from the production of Teflon...
Aug 19, 2024 | The Empa summer camp 2024
The first week of summer vacation in Zurich is summer camp time at Empa! The 20-plus slots for the children of Empa employees were once again in great demand and quickly booked out. In various workshops, the children...
Aug 15, 2024 | Manikins - Sensor technology for the well-tempered office
Thanks to sensor technology and mathematical modeling, smart dummies provide new insights into how workplaces can be brought to a comfortable temperature in an energy-efficient way and how to prevent patients from...
Aug 13, 2024 | Open Lab Day in Dübendorf
On Saturday, 14 September 2024, Empa will host an Open Lab Day at its new research campus in Dübendorf. Visitors can experience research up close, meet scientists, marvel at pioneering technologies in the NEST and move...
Aug 9, 2024 | Construction completed
The joint campus of Empa and Eawag in Dübendorf has grown by three buildings in the past three years. These offer employees and guests more comfort, attractiveness and security – and provide significantly more space for...
Aug 5, 2024 | 30 years of Empa in Thun
Within 30 years, Empa in Thun has developed into an internationally renowned center for materials technology with a unique research infrastructure. Recently, the Thun campus celebrated its 30th anniversary.
Jul 30, 2024 | «Aerogel Architecture Award 2024»
On July 12, the Aerogel Architecture Award was presented for the fourth time on the Empa campus. A total of six projects were awarded in the categories “Realized Solutions” and “Student Projects”. They all show...
Jul 25, 2024 | Improving the resilience of energy systems in the Global South
Under the leadership of Empa scientist Mashael Yazdanie, an international research team is investigating ways to better plan for climate-resilient energy systems in the Global South. Focusing on the case study of Accra,...
Jul 23, 2024 | Monitoring greenhouse gas emissions
A new study by the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) shows how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to reduce the impact of climate change on Switzerland. The experts involved have high hopes for...
Jul 17, 2024 | Medical technolgy
Researchers from ETH Zurich and Empa have developed a hydrogel implant that can help prevent endometriosis, a condition that affects a great many women. This innovation also acts as a contraceptive.
Jul 16, 2024 | Reducing CO2 emissions in concrete production
Recycling cement paste is one of the cheapest and most efficient ways to reduce emissions from cement production, a new study published recently in PNAS has found. The research, led by experts at Imperial College...
Jul 8, 2024 | Measuring the doughnut
Sustainability and quality of life – a contradiction? Not necessarily, shows a new study by Empa researchers. According to their calculations, an ecologically and socially just life is possible for over ten billion...
Jul 4, 2024 | Among Europe's leading start-up hubs
Startfeld is one of Europe's leading Start-up Hubs in 2024. The start-up support provided by Empa and the Switzerland Innovation Park Ost in St. Gallen has recently for the first time received the Financial Times Award....
Jul 2, 2024 | Novel diagnostics for kidney stones
The best way to treat kidney stones depends on how what they are composed of and how they are shaped. Empa researchers are now working on a painless diagnostic procedure using dark-field X-ray imaging. This innovative...
Jun 27, 2024 | Synthetic fuels and chemicals from CO₂
Why do just one experiment at a time when you can do ten? Empa researchers have developed an automated system, which allows them to research catalysts, electrodes, and reaction conditions for CO₂ electrolysis up to ten...
Jun 25, 2024 | Medical textiles and sensors
Medical products such as ointments or syringes reach their limits when it comes to delivering medication locally – and above all in a controlled manner over a longer period of time. Empa researchers are therefore...