Bernd Nowack among the most highly cited researchers
Empa researcher at the top of the world

Empa researcher Bernd Nowack is once again this year among the "2017 Highly Cited Researchers" worldwide. The scientific analysis specialist Clarivate Analytics annually awards prizes in 21 different fields of research to the scientists whose publications have been quoted most frequently in their field of research. Clarivate Analytics draws up the list on the basis of the "Web of Science" they operate, a platform that comprises several online citation databases. The number of citations over the last ten years is analysed. The top percent of researchers make it onto the list, which corresponds to about 3500 researchers. The ranking is an important indicator of the influence of scientific publications.
Environmental chemist Nowack is group leader in the Technology and Society lab at Empa St. Gallen. Among other things, he investigates the effects of nanoparticles and microplastics on the environment. In the spring of 2017, he was appointed by Empa as the fourth Distinguished Senior Researcher.