Bernd Nowack in the list of «Highly Cited Researchers»

Praise for Empa environmental researcher

Jan 15, 2016 | CORNELIA ZOGG
The media company «Thomson Reuters» has included Empa researcher Bernd Nowack in its list of «Highly Cited Researchers» of 2015. Nowack is one of 132 researchers worldwide who have been honoured in this way in the field of «Environment/Ecology». The Thomson Reuters list includes a total of 79 active researchers from Switzerland.
Bernd Nowack investigates how chemical substances enter the environment and what effects they have on the various ecosystems there. For example how silver particles reach the environment through washing machines.
The list of «Highly Cited Researchers», which Thomson Reuters has published this year for the third time, represents approximately 3000 of the most influential scientific minds in the world. The decisive measurement value for the influence of a scientific publication and for the reputation of the author within their field is how often a researcher is cited by their colleagues. The researchers who have been honoured all have publications within the topmost percentage ranges of the most frequently cited studies in their specialist fields, which is evidence of the extraordinary influence and respect that their work enjoys.

This is already the second such honour for Nowack and his research work since 2014. Bernd Nowack, Group Leader in the Department of «Technology and Society» and honorary professor at ETH Zürich, investigates how chemical substances enter the environment and what effects they have on the various ecosystems there. To do this, he models the release and actions of nanoparticles in the environment.
More information about the Thomson Reuters list and the names of other researchers can be found here.

More information
Prof. Dr. Bernd Nowack
Technology & Society
phone +41 58 765 61 39

Editor / Media contact
Cornelia Zogg
Empa, Communication
phone +41 58 765 44 54

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