Launch of
Sustainable fuels and base chemicals for Switzerland
The aim of the consortium is to develop robust supply paths for sustainable fuels and base chemicals for Switzerland. The consortium is funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) as part of the SWEET funding program and held its kick-off event on 8 December 2023. Nine Swiss universities, universities and research institutes from various disciplines as well as an industrial partner are involved. As the clock is ticking for climate-friendly solutions, political decision-makers will also be involved.

The signing has already been followed by the first concrete steps. For example, a delegation of 15 industry and research representatives will be travelling to Oman in December to hold talks with the Omani Ministry of Energy and Minerals on the sidelines of the Green Hydrogen Summit there. The talks will focus on the development of approaches for the production of sustainable energy sources and base chemicals as well as regulatory and market solutions.
Another – European – case study will soon be launched in southern Spain. At the same time, the efficiency and therefore also the costs of currently available processes for the production of sustainable energy sources are to be significantly improved. As a center of research and technology, Switzerland can make an important contribution to solving the global climate problem.
International cooperation for more efficient production
Within Switzerland, the consortium is focusing on the increased energetic use of farmyard manure (especially slurry) in the form of gaseous or liquid energy carriers and on increasing the efficiency of production processes for synthetic fuels.
SWEET (Swiss Energy research for the Energy Transition) funding programme
Prof. Dr. Regina Betz
Co-coordinator (Environmental economics and ecology)
Phone +41 58 934 49 54
Christian Bach
Co-coordinator (Technological aspects, Oman-Case)
Phone +41 58 765 41 37
Dr. Jörg Roth
Technology and knowledge transfer
Phone +41 56 310 53 96