SNSF scientific image competition

Empa picture excells

May 11, 2017 | CORNELIA ZOGG

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has launched an image competition and searched for the best pictures and images of the (Swiss) science community. One of the distinguished contributions is from Empa!


Over 200 scientists have participated in the SNSF competition for science images. A total of 497 contributions have reached the Jury – among those one of Empa scientist Bernhard Bereiter. This slice of ice, taken from the Taylor Glacier in Antarctica, contains air bubbles that have been trapped for thousands of years, providing crucial information for replicating the climate in the past and predicting that of the future. His project is conducted in collaboration with the Climate and Environmental Physics division of the University of Bern. The jury verdict to the picture: “Is the scientist reading the past through an ice slate or is the latter telling him about his future on this planet?” A good question – the picture “Sampling an Antarctic Glacier” has then been distinguished by the jury. This special mention has– next to the four competition winners – only been awarded to eleven contributions.

The 15 awarded pictures will be displayed at the Bieler Fototage from the 5th to 28th of May 2017 at the “Neuen Museeum Biel – Haus Schwab”. The exhibition will then travel to other Swiss cities and abroad. The official awarding ceremony took place yesterday on the occasion of the “Journées photographiques de Bienne”.

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