Construction work gets underway on Meet2Create
“Ground-breaking” for the first NEST unit

Even before NEST‘s “backbone“, its basic infrastructure, is complete, the construction of the first unit has begun on the protruding platforms. The office lab Meet2Create is being erected on NEST’s second floor under the direction of the Competence Center Typology & Planning in Architecture (CCTP) at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU). At the small “ground-breaking” ceremony on January 12, 2016, project head Sibylla Amstutz from HSLU was delighted that the construction work could finally get underway after around four years on the drawing board. In a brief speech delivered to the project members present from HSLU and Empa’s NEST team, she reflected on the path towards the beginning of the build and thanked all the partners warmly.
Four years of planning, four months of construction
Meet2Create will be a laboratory for collaboration and work processes. In a few short months, it will already be possible to test and optimize the interplay between humans, space and technology. In doing so, the researchers from HSLU will focus on the issue of how office environments of the future can adapt technically and spatially to the ever-changing world of work. The unit is scheduled for completion by the end of April, which means that Meet2Create will be fully functional by the official NEST inauguration on May 23, 2016.
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Annina Schneider
Phone +41 58 765 41 07