Research Management
Empa’s Research Management team offers support in the following areas: research projects, research commission, scientific reporting and management system.
Research Projects
Empa is constantly expanding its research activities by keeping its high quality standards. This is encouraged by the organization of workshops and seminars - for example with the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI) as well as for EU framework programs like «Horizon 2020». Moreover, we systematically offer advice on project management and the various external funding sources.
Research Commission (office)
The Research Commission is an advisory body to the Board of Directors with Empa-internal and -external members. It encourages the promotion and verification of scientific excellence at Empa. The Research Management is responsible for the organization and administration of the Research Commission.
Scientific Reporting
Management System (Management Handbook)
In order to promote and support efficient and effective research activities, we operate a management system that is tailored towards Empa’s needs: the Management Handbook (MHB). In addition, we offer advice and information on the following topics:
- Setting up and operating management systems
- Accrediting / certification / notification
- SAS evaluations and observations