Dr. Aslan Miriyev


Dr. Aslan Miriyev is a Scientist at the Materials and Technology Center of Robotics at Empa, Switzerland, and Visiting Researcher at the Aerial Robotics Lab in the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London, UK. In these capacities, Dr. Miriyev works at the nexus of materials and robotics to develop bio-hybrid soft intelligent robots of the future. Dr. Miriyev is particularly interested in synthesizing robots via the interdisciplinary effort of creating physical artificial intelligence.

Before joining Empa and Imperial College London, Dr. Miriyev spent three years at Columbia University in the City of New York as a postdoctoral researcher in the Creative Machine's Lab. In this role, Dr. Miriyev has developed a new type of self-contained soft material-actuators. Dr. Miriyev obtained his Ph.D. degree in Materials Engineering from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.

