
The Scientific IT and the Research Data Management Team at Empa offers support in various topics:

Data Management system openBIS

You can use the data management system openBIS at Empa, which is an Electronic Lab Notebook and Laboratory Information System (ELN/LIMS) developed by ETH. OpenBIS helps you organize your data and meet the requirements of funding agencies with regard to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).

Empa internal link to more information about openBIS @ Empa - link

Data Management Plan (DMP)

Funding agencies require you to fill out a Data Management Plan for your research projects to get funding. Check our DMP section here for more information.

SNF DMP Template

We offer you support with your SNF DMP by providing you with a template. This template is a Word document that contains specific answer options for the SNF questions, distinguishing between working with or without openBIS and with regard to sensitive data. Click here to see: Template for DMP

Get funding for Data Management

SNF allows 10'000 CHF funding for data management for data preparation, archiving and publishing on FAIR data repositories (e.g. Zenodo). Please apply for the 10'000 RDM costs (it can be more, if you explain why). It is now necessary to give SNF some explanations of how the costs are composed. View this template as information and tranfer it into the SNF proposal (change it where necessary!): Template for RDM costs


  • Check our internal support page here for Empa guidlines for SNF application and more.
  • Trainings from Lib4RI about Open Access & Copyright and more can be found here.

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