ReMask's simulation work package: Strategies for innovations for Swiss masks needed in pandemic situations
Type. Innosuisse project. Work package on simulations
Funding. This project is funded by the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse).
Duration. 1 year (2020-2021)
Collaborations. ETHZ, EPFL, Labor Spiez
Contact. Thijs Defraeye
Staff. Riccardo Innocenti Malini (Scientist), Flora Bahrami (PhD student), Seraina Schudel (Scientific collaborator)
Project background.
This project work package deals with the workpackage on simulations for mask performance. The SimBioSys group is leading this workpackage on simulation-based performance evaluation of breathability and filtration efficiency of face masks. Here we aim to optimize the time that masks can be used safely and comfortably. All information regarding the full Remask project can be found here.