Dr. Jannis Wernery
Group leader "Building Integration"
312 - Building Energy Materials and Components

Phone: +41 58 765 4946

Dr. Jannis Wernery is group leader for building integration at the Laboratory for Building Energy Materials and Components. He studied physics at ETH Zurich and obtained his PhD on visual perception in humans at Collegium Helveticum, a jointly carried institute of ETH Zurich and University of Zurich. He worked as a building physicist in the construction industry. At Empa, he has gained experience in the research and development of high-performance insulation, mostly silica aerogel.

His research focus is material development for energy efficient buildings, considering both the high-performance end of the spectrum with silica aerogel and the low-eco-impact end with sustainable building materials. He is also studying the human-building interaction as in order to achieve higher energy efficiency and user comfort.