
A journey to ideas for a planet-compatible future

Co-created with the creativity and imagination of schoolchildren
together with the systems perspective of scientists

The goal

How do we build a society that is organized in harmony with Earth? That is inspired by the cycle of life and integral part of nature? We will need many great ideas and this book would like to trigger creative thoughts: how can we create a future that respects planetary boundaries?

Let's embark in a journey together, in search for ideas on how to organize our relationships to Earth and each other in circles!


The book

Here you can download the book:


The book is accompanied with learning materials (in German) that contain further explanations to the scientific background, exercises, tasks and further inspirations.

Key Facts & Figures

4 stories
1 transformation picture

involving the ideas, imagination, and views of
21 school children
10 scientists
4 educational experts
3 students on education
1 artist