Biomedical Imaging Technologies
Current advances in life sciences, in analytical and imaging techniques and in information technology allow the collection and analysis of large amounts of health-related data. Making use of such data to optimize the medical care by steering therapeutic decisions, monitoring of disease development etc., is the ultimate objective of precision medicine.
- We develop innovative multi-modal and multi-scale analytical and imaging techniques for diagnostic and monitoring for precision medicine that can be transferred to clinical use or integrated into the clinical workflow.
- We utilize machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies to fuse and fully deploy the data available from these novel techniques and from conventional clinical analytics and imaging technology in a (radio)omics approach.

More specifically, we capitalize on label-free, stainless analytic techniques that are capable performing digital pathology, without compromising the sample and enabling complementary analytical techniques to be applied. We develop 3D and 4D imaging techniques to follow and monitor processes relevant for diagnostics and follow up.
This RFA module with its interdisciplinary analytical and diagnostic approach, coupled with scientific excellence in a highly collaborative manner and with strong links to clinical partners, will contribute to drive precision medicine to the next level.