
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory
Überlandstrasse 129
8600 Dübendorf

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How to find Empa:

By car

  • From Zürich via motorway A1; Exit «Wallisellen/Dübendorf»
  • From Zürich-Kloten airport via motorway A51 and A1; Exit «Wallisellen/Dübendorf»
  • From St.Gallen and Winterthur motorway A1; Exit «Wallisellen/Dübendorf»

printable guide


If you enter Empa areal there are three main parking-spots available (see picture below). Especially during current ongoing reconstruction phase, the highest chance in finding a parking spot is on parking area 3.


By public transport

Empa can be easily reached by train, S-Bahn and tram. From Zurich HB, it is easiest to take the S-Bahn (S3, S9, S11 or S12) to “Stettbach” (2nd stop, 7 min.).

From there, take tram No. 12 until the stop “Dübendorf, Giessen” (2nd stop, 3 min.)

Or take bus No. 760 until the stop “Dübendorf, Empa” (2nd stop, 5 min.).

The reception is right after the entrance of new "Nest" building on the left.


On your arrival at the Empa site, please register at the reception.

Prof. Dr. Mickael Lucien Perrin
Group Leader Quantum Devices

Deputy Head of Laboratory

Phone: +41 58 765 4610