Nanoscale Materials & Manufacturing Technologies

Our vision is to design tailored solutions for the requirements of next-generation products and applications through innovative materials and advanced manufacturing technologies. Drawing from materials design, synthesis and characterization at the nanoscale, we develop new approaches by integrating theory, high-throughput processes and experiments. We also consider manufacturing technologies and investigate new process routes as well as monitoring technologies to drive use-inspired basic research.

The goal of the RFA Nanoscale Materials & Manufacturing Technologies is to combine a wide range of competences in materials science and technology development in an interdisciplinary manner and thus develop scientifically sound and economically viable solutions for industry and society, which are driven through initiatives to address today's major challenges. Thereby we build upon our scientific excellence and fundamental research in selected fields where we see applications strategically relevant to our RFA at the horizon, which we combine with our expertise in efficient technology transfer to key Swiss industry sectors.

Thematic Areas of the Research Focus Area
Designing and understanding nanoscale materials across various classes, emphasizing scalable, eco-friendly synthesis with potential for future applications, including nanocrystals, graphene nanoribbons, functionalized polymers, and advanced materials like perovskites and MXenes
Materials Characterization
Specializing in high-resolution characterization of nanoscale materials using advanced techniques like electron microscopy and X-ray methods, with a focus on in-situ and in-operando diagnostics to study materials in operation
Process Routes
Developing scalable, innovative process routes across various technology readiness levels, supporting Swiss industry through initiatives like the Coating Competence Center and pre-pilot manufacturing technologies
Monitoring & Diagnostics
Developing advanced process monitoring technologies by integrating material science with sensor systems and data-driven approaches, enabling predictive maintenance and reliability in materials processing