Structure-guided Materials

The XRD laboratory is part of the Center for X-ray Analytics ("Röntgenhaus" on Empa's Dübendorf campus) and concentrates on the development and application of X-ray diffraction and scattering methods.

The SAXS laboratory is also part of the Center for X-ray Analytics and located at Empa St Gallen. The laboratory concentrates on the development and application of small angle diffractions and scattering methods. The lab is equipped with state-of-the art instruments for the different application domains.

The labs are equipped with state-of-the art instruments for the different application domains:

The team of the XRD Lab works on projects and delivers analytical development support for academia and industry.

Analytical support Empa intern:

Request for collaboration & Service

For more information click here.

D8, Bruker AXS
PANalytical X'Pert Powder
HRXRD - D8 Davinci, Bruker AXS
IPDS-II, Stoe (Mo radiation)
IPDS-II, Stoe (Ag radiation)
SAXS/WAXS Nanostar, Bruker AXS