Harmless drill

Inserting a cochlear implant into the inner ear is not without risks, as facial nerves can be damaged in the process. Empa researchers have developed a smart drill that automatically shuts off when it comes near nerves.


In a project called AMYS, labs of EPFL, ETH Zurich and Empa are conducting research on so-called perovskite-based optoelectronics to explore new chemical compositions and low cost production methods.

Printed VR glove

An Empa team is developing next-generation VR gloves that will make virtual worlds tangible. The tailored glove is produced largely automatically – using a 3D printing process.

Eye on the process

Pierangelo Gröning, President of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Transfer Center Alliance and Empa's Research Commission and member of Empa's Directorate, explains the research institute's role in AM research.

Watching viruses fail

Empa researchers have tracked viruses as they pass through face masks and compared their failure on the filter layers of different types of masks. This should now accelerate the development of surfaces that can kill viruses.

Chip replaces animal test

A team of researchers is developing a medical chip that will allow statements to be made about the effect of substances on babies in the womb. The Zurich-based ProCare Foundation is funding the project.

A wheel of steel

In the canton of Zurich, environmentalists are bringing irrigation methods back to life to enhance biodiversity – using the historic technology of a water scoop wheel, which Empa-researchers helped to develop further.

Mission atmosphere

Atmospheric scientist and Distinguished Senior Researcher at Empa Dominik Brunner has explored his subject area from many angles – with a weatherproof motivation and curiosity that drives him to this day.


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Solar fuels

The ETH Zurich spin-off Synhelion produces syngas on an industrial scale using solar heat as an energy source. To enable the chemical reactors to operate thermal energy storage is developed together with Empa's Laboratory for High Performance Ceramics. 

Particulate matter

The "oxidative potential" of particulate matter could serve as a criterion for assessing risks in the future – and Empa researchers have explored it for Switzerland.

App saves food

Data science for social good: Empa and partners are working with communities to fight food waste while lifting the livelihoods of small farmers and simultaneously driving investment in climate change solutions.

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