A learning machine |
Gaming hardware at the service of science: These graphics processing units are being used to train deep neuronal networks for rapid classification of carbon nanotubes. |
Clean dirt |
Clay is a clean alternative among building materials. Empa researcher Ellina Bernard is trying to find out how the coveted material can actually be used to build in a sustainable and stable way. |
Energy account |
Converting electricity into hydrogen in order to store sustainable energy is a hot topic. Researchers have investigated whether the use of a power-to-hydrogen-to-power system in a multi-family house makes sense. |
The right chemistry Dorina Opris is researching the synthesis of complex electroactive polymers for robotic components, sensors or batteries – and the European Research Council is currently funding it with a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant. |
Road to recycling Empa researcher Martins Zaumanis has set himself the goal of increasing the recycled content of asphalt. Two test sections with recycled asphalt in Uster and on the Lukmanier Pass are promising. |
Microplastic in lakes Microplastics often settle far away from their point of origin. Empa researchers have now developed a model that can be used to calculate the concentration of microplastics in Swiss lakes and rivers. |
Recharge revolution The Empa spin-off BTRY wants to revolutionize rechargeable batteries: The thin-film batteries are safer, environmetally friendly and longer-lasting than conventional lithium-ion batteries. |
Fit to fight Biophysicist Katharina Hast develops a hydrogel that makes phagocytes fit for treating cancer or chronic wounds. The Uniscientia Foundation is funding the project, which was recently launched. |
Next-gen experts Physics lab technician apprentices Sofie Gnannt and Nick Cáceres showed an outstanding performance at the "Jugend forscht" competition with their project on plastic separation with the help of Terahertz radiation. |