New leadership role

Urs Leemann appointed Deputy Director of Empa

Mar 31, 2025 | MICHAEL HAGMANN

Dr. Urs Leemann will become Empa's Deputy Director on 1 April 2025, succeeding Peter Richner. A Directorate member since 2012, he brings strategic expertise and a strong focus on innovation.

Dr. Urs Leemann will take over as Deputy Director from Peter Richner as of 1 April 2025. Image: Urs Leemann

Dr. Urs Leemann has been appointed Deputy Director of Empa as of 1 April 2025. Urs Leemann has been a member of Empa's Directorate since 2012 and heads the Corporate Services department; he takes over as Deputy Director from Peter Richner, who is stepping down from the Directorate at the beginning of April. With his many years of experience, his strategic thinking and his commitment to innovation and collaboration, he has played a key role in shaping Empa's development.

Before joining Empa, Urs Leemann worked in the private sector and co-founded and built up two start-ups. In addition to his professional activities, he is Vice President of the Cleantech Hub Dietikon Limmattal and holds mandates at Raiffeisen. As Deputy Director and member of the Executive Directorate, together with Director Tanja Zimmermann and Lorenz Herrmann, Head of the Advanced Materials and Surfaces department, Urs Leemann will play a central role in guiding Empa through the strategic challenges of the coming years.

Editor / Media contact

Dr. Michael Hagmann
Phone +41 58 765 4592

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Empa’s Annual Report 2024 now online

With our Annual Report, we hope to take you on a gripping journey through the world of research and innovation. You might be surprised at how broad the term "applied research" is defined at Empa.

Therapies that get "under the skin”: Widespread skin diseases such as psoriasis and neurodermatitis are difficult to treat. Empa researchers, together with an industrial partner, have found an innovative solution in the StarCURE project. Stars made of nanoceramics cause tiny skin wounds and thus allow the active ingredients to reach their site of action.

Resilience – the key to innovation

When we look back on the past year, one characteristic emerges as crucial: resilience. In a world full of uncertainties and challenges, it is essential to remain flexible, overcome obstacles and develop sustainable solutions – without losing sight of the big picture. This applies to politics, society and especially research, where setbacks are often the starting point for real progress.

After all, innovation does not come about through the mere confirmation of previous knowledge, but through critical questioning, courageous rethinking and visionary developments. Successful research thrives on open exchange, interdisciplinary perspectives and the constructive competition of ideas.

This dynamism and intellectual agility also characterize Empa's work, be it in the development of new materials and technologies, in cooperation with our partners or in the outstanding commitment of our staff. Their commitment has made the past year a particularly successful one for Empa – a year that has shown us once again how important it is to tackle the challenges of the future with determination, creativity and team spirit.

One of last year's highlights was certainly the open lab day in Dubendorf for the opening of our new research campus co-operate, a name that epitomizes the spirit and culture of Empa. What's more, we were also able to open two new NEST units in 2024: STEP2 with our main partner BASF and the Drone-Hub together with Imperial College London and EPFL. And, last but not least, the brand new CarboQuant laboratory, where completely new carbon-based quantum materials are being developed for the electronics and computers of tomorrow thanks to financial support from the Werner Siemens Stiftung (WSS) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), also went into operation.

Our research initiative Mining the Atmosphere has been launched with no less than 15 projects, and around half of all Empa laboratories are tackling the urgent but Herculean task of removing the CO2 we have emitted over the last 100 years from the atmosphere and developing valuable materials such as CO2-negative concrete from it. Together with our sister institute Eawag and other partners, we are developing practical answers to climate change in the Climate Solutions initiative. And in the health sector, thanks to generous private support, we have now been able to launch another interdisciplinary initiative involving seven Empa laboratories and external hospital partners to improve the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infections with antibiotic-resistant germs, a “silent pandemic” that will – unfortunately – continue to occupy us considerably in the future.

As I said, these wonderful successes would not have been possible without our great team at Empa. Managing such a large number of major events – without neglecting daily business – requires a good deal of resilience, tenacity and team spirit, as well as the will to assert oneself and shape the future – qualities that we at Empa promote and foster together.

Prof. Dr. Tanja Zimmermann