Research Data Management

Research Data Management addresses the organization, capture, storage, preservation, and sharing of research data created during a research project.

It comprises researcher's strategies for caring for their data and decisions concerning what to do with the data upon completion of a project. This results in depositing data in a data repository for long-term access and archiving.

Benefits of managing your data

For a researcher, having an effective plan and approach for the management of your data is important for several reasons, including:

  • Find and understand them when needed
  • Avoid unnecessary duplications
  • Validate your results, if required
  • Ensure your research is visible and has impact
  • Get credit when others cite your work
  • Comply with Founder mandates

A Data Management System can help you

Check our information about openBIS @ Empa here.

In-depth overview of RDM

Check our best-practise guide here.

Data Management Plan (DMP) for funding agencies

Check our page about DMP templates, tools, SNF guidlines here.

Find our support for SNF DMP templates here.


If you have any questions please contact:

Check our Empa internal page here.

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