Staff Council

Empa’s new team of staff representatives 2023-2025 consists of three employees from Dübendorf and three from St. Gallen who were elected in tactic election in May 2023. The Staff Council's statutory meeting was held in July 2023. The composition, duties and rights of Empa's Staff Council are laid down in Empa’s Management Handbook (#2.3.5). Comments, constructive criticism and new topics are always welcome.


Empa's Staff Council 2023-2025: Roman Furrer (President, Equality, Website), Jakob Heier (Vice-President, Equal Examination Board), Tsering Balok (Message Board Du), Gabriela Borin Barin (Minutes), David Meuwly (Treasurer), Hauke Schlesir (Message Board SG)

What we offer

On our websites, we provide information on our activities, issues concerning all Empa locations and matters raised by Empa staff members. We offer advice and support employees who find themselves in difficult situations. We’re dedicated towards improving the working environment through projects and activities. For instance, if you are planing to organize an event and would need financial support. The staff fund can help you.

We participate in the consultation process. This means that Empa staff representatives actively take part in opinion- and decision-making processes, e.g. for statutes and regulations. We represent Empa staff and support efficient and productive communication with the board and the ETH Domain. We are regularly in contact and exchange ideas with other ETH Domain staff representatives.



News from the staff representatives:

will be updated


to be updated

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