Prof. Dr. Barbara Lothenbach


Head Group Cement Chemistry and Thermodynamics

Area of interest

  • Hydration mechanisms of cementitious materials
  • Thermodynamic modeling
  • Characterisation techniques
  • Pore solutions
  • Supplementary cementitious materials and non-Portland cement  binders


Member of national and international Committees

  • Editorial board of Cement & Concrete Research
  • Advances in Cement Research
  • Materiales de Construccion
  • RILEM and RILEM Technical Committees
  • Member/coordinator of “CEMNET” since 2002: CEMNET is a joining of Swiss researchers in the field of cement and concrete


  •  Adjunct professorship at NTNU - Department of Structural Engineering Faculty of Engineering
  • Associate Professor, Institute of Geology, University of Berne, Switzerland

  • Courses in thermodynamic modelling

Research projects

Various research projects in the field of cement hydration, alternative cementitious materials, and thermodynamic data.

Curriculum Vitae

2002 to date: at Empa, Laboratory Concrete & Asphalt

1996-2002: Project leader and consultant scientist for nuclear wastes at BMG Engineering Ltd, Schlieren, Switzerland: transport and retention of heavy metals and radionuclides in bentonite and cementitious liners, database development, waste management, representation of Switzerland 2000-2002 in the PRTR working group (Kiev protocol).

1993-1996: PhD. at the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Soil Protection, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich, Switzerland on the remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils.

1990-1991: Research assistant for conservation and environmental management projects at the University of Tasmania, Australia and at the Department of Parks, Wildlife and Heritage, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia: Protection of endemic plants and environmental management systems.

1987-1988: Consultant for noise prevention at BMP Dr. Pelli + Co., Zürich, Switzerland

1986-1992: Diploma in Environmental Science, 1992 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich, Switzerland

German, English, French

Accepted versions of recently published papers:


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